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ahocevar committed Mar 16, 2023
1 parent 0999662 commit 86bbc35
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Showing 107 changed files with 28,196 additions and 0 deletions.
211 changes: 211 additions & 0 deletions dist/apply.d.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
* Applies a style function to an `ol/layer/VectorTile` or `ol/layer/Vector`
* with an `ol/source/VectorTile` or an `ol/source/Vector`. If the layer does not have a source
* yet, it will be created and populated from the information in the `glStyle` (unless `updateSource` is
* set to `false`).
* **Example:**
* ```js
* import {applyStyle} from 'ol-mapbox-style';
* import {VectorTile} from 'ol/layer.js';
* const layer = new VectorTile({declutter: true});
* applyStyle(layer, '');
* ```
* The style function will render all layers from the `glStyle` object that use the source
* of the first layer, the specified `source`, or a subset of layers from the same source. The
* source needs to be a `"type": "vector"` or `"type": "geojson"` source.
* Two additional properties will be set on the provided layer:
* * `mapbox-source`: The `id` of the Mapbox Style document's source that the
* OpenLayers layer was created from. Usually `apply()` creates one
* OpenLayers layer per Mapbox Style source, unless the layer stack has
* layers from different sources in between.
* * `mapbox-layers`: The `id`s of the Mapbox Style document's layers that are
* included in the OpenLayers layer.
* @param {VectorTileLayer|VectorLayer} layer OpenLayers layer. When the layer has a source configured,
* it will be modified to use the configuration from the glStyle's `source`. Options specified on the
* layer's source will override those from the glStyle's `source`, except for `url`,
* `tileUrlFunction` and `tileGrid` (exception: when the source projection is not `EPSG:3857`).
* @param {string|Object} glStyle Mapbox Style object.
* @param {string|Array<string>|Options&ApplyStyleOptions} [sourceOrLayersOrOptions] Options or
* `source` key or an array of layer `id`s from the Mapbox Style object. When a `source` key is
* provided, all layers for the specified source will be included in the style function. When layer
* `id`s are provided, they must be from layers that use the same source. When not provided or a falsey
* value, all layers using the first source specified in the glStyle will be rendered.
* @param {Options&ApplyStyleOptions|string} [optionsOrPath] **Deprecated**. Options. Alternatively the path of the style file
* (only required when a relative path is used for the `"sprite"` property of the style).
* @param {Array<number>} [resolutions] **Deprecated**. Resolutions for mapping resolution to zoom level.
* Only needed when working with non-standard tile grids or projections, can also be supplied with
* options.
* @return {Promise} Promise which will be resolved when the style can be used
* for rendering.
export function applyStyle(layer: VectorTileLayer | VectorLayer<any>, glStyle: string | any, sourceOrLayersOrOptions?: string | string[] | (Options & ApplyStyleOptions) | undefined, optionsOrPath?: string | (Options & ApplyStyleOptions) | undefined, resolutions?: number[] | undefined): Promise<any>;
* Applies properties of the Mapbox Style's first `background` layer to the
* provided map or VectorTile layer.
* **Example:**
* ```js
* import {applyBackground} from 'ol-mapbox-style';
* import {Map} from 'ol';
* const map = new Map({target: 'map'});
* applyBackground(map, '');
* ```
* @param {Map|VectorTileLayer} mapOrLayer OpenLayers Map or VectorTile layer.
* @param {Object|string} glStyle Mapbox Style object or url.
* @param {Options} options Options.
* @return {Promise} Promise that resolves when the background is applied.
export function applyBackground(mapOrLayer: Map | VectorTileLayer, glStyle: any | string, options?: Options): Promise<any>;
* Creates an OpenLayers VectorTile source for a gl source entry.
* @param {Object} glSource "source" entry from a Mapbox Style object.
* @param {string|undefined} styleUrl URL to use for the source. This is expected to be the complete http(s) url,
* with access key applied.
* @param {Options} options Options.
* @return {Promise<import("ol/source/VectorTile").default>} Promise resolving to a VectorTile source.
* @private
export function setupVectorSource(glSource: any, styleUrl: string | undefined, options: Options): Promise<import("ol/source/VectorTile").default>;
* Loads and applies a Mapbox Style object into an OpenLayers Map or LayerGroup.
* This includes the map background, the layers, and for Map instances that did not
* have a View defined yet also the center and the zoom.
* **Example:**
* ```js
* import apply from 'ol-mapbox-style';
* apply('map', 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/bright-v9', {accessToken: 'YOUR_MAPBOX_TOKEN'});
* ```
* The center and zoom will only be set if present in the Mapbox Style document,
* and if not already set on the OpenLayers map.
* Layers will be added to the OpenLayers map, without affecting any layers that
* might already be set on the map.
* Layers added by `apply()` will have two additional properties:
* * `mapbox-source`: The `id` of the Mapbox Style document's source that the
* OpenLayers layer was created from. Usually `apply()` creates one
* OpenLayers layer per Mapbox Style source, unless the layer stack has
* layers from different sources in between.
* * `mapbox-layers`: The `id`s of the Mapbox Style document's layers that are
* included in the OpenLayers layer.
* This function sets an additional `mapbox-style` property on the OpenLayers
* Map or LayerGroup instance, which holds the Mapbox Style object.
* @param {Map|HTMLElement|string|LayerGroup} mapOrGroupOrElement Either an existing
* OpenLayers Map instance, or a HTML element, or the id of a HTML element that will be
* the target of a new OpenLayers Map, or a layer group. If layer group, styles
* releated to the map and view will be ignored.
* @param {string|Object} style JSON style object or style url pointing to a
* Mapbox Style object. When using Mapbox APIs, the url is the `styleUrl`
* shown in Mapbox Studio's "share" panel. In addition, the `accessToken` option
* (see below) must be set.
* When passed as JSON style object, all OpenLayers layers created by `apply()`
* will be immediately available, but they may not have a source yet (i.e. when
* they are defined by a TileJSON url in the Mapbox Style document). When passed
* as style url, layers will be added to the map when the Mapbox Style document
* is loaded and parsed.
* @param {Options} options Options.
* @return {Promise<Map|LayerGroup>} A promise that resolves after all layers have been added to
* the OpenLayers Map instance or LayerGroup, their sources set, and their styles applied. The
* `resolve` callback will be called with the OpenLayers Map instance or LayerGroup as
* argument.
export function apply(mapOrGroupOrElement: Map | HTMLElement | string | LayerGroup, style: string | any, options?: Options): Promise<Map | LayerGroup>;
export { finalizeLayer as _finalizeLayer };
export type Options = {
* Access token for 'mapbox://' urls.
accessToken?: string | undefined;
* Function for controlling how `ol-mapbox-style` fetches resources. Can be used for modifying
* the url, adding headers or setting credentials options. Called with the url and the resource
* type as arguments, this function is supposed to return a `Request` object. Without a return value,
* the original request will not be modified. For `Tiles` and `GeoJSON` resources, only the `url` of
* the returned request will be respected.
transformRequest?: ((arg0: string, arg1: ResourceType) => (Request | void)) | undefined;
* Only useful when working with non-standard projections.
* Code of a projection registered with OpenLayers. All sources of the style must be provided in this
* projection. The projection must also have a valid extent defined, which will be used to determine the
* origin and resolutions of the tile grid for all tiled sources of the style. When provided, the bbox
* placeholder in tile and geojson urls changes: the default is `{bbox-epsg-3857}`, when projection is e.g.
* set to `EPSG:4326`, the bbox placeholder will be `{bbox-epsg-4326}`.
projection?: string | undefined;
* Only useful when working with non-standard projections.
* Resolutions for mapping resolution to the `zoom` used in the Mapbox style.
resolutions?: number[] | undefined;
* URL of the Mapbox GL style. Required for styles that were provided
* as object, when they contain a relative sprite url, or sources referencing data by relative url.
styleUrl?: string | undefined;
* Function that returns an image for an icon name. If the result is an HTMLImageElement, it must already be
* loaded. The layer can be used to call layer.changed() when the loading and processing of the image has finished.
* This function be used for icons not in the sprite or to override sprite icons.
getImage?: ((arg0: VectorLayer<any> | VectorTileLayer, arg1: string) => HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | string | undefined) | undefined;
* Access token param. For internal use.
accessTokenParam?: string | undefined;
export type ApplyStyleOptions = {
* Source. Default is `''`, which causes the first source in the
* style to be used.
source?: string | undefined;
* Layers. If no source is provided, the layers with the
* provided ids will be used from the style's `layers` array. All layers need to use the same source.
layers?: string[] | undefined;
* Update or create vector (tile) layer source with parameters
* specified for the source in the mapbox style definition.
updateSource?: boolean | undefined;
export type ResourceType = 'Style' | 'Source' | 'Sprite' | 'SpriteImage' | 'Tiles' | 'GeoJSON';
import VectorTileLayer from "ol/layer/VectorTile.js";
import VectorLayer from "ol/layer/Vector.js";
import Map from "ol/Map.js";
import LayerGroup from "ol/layer/Group.js";
* If layerIds is not empty, applies the style specified in glStyle to the layer,
* and adds the layer to the map.
* The layer may not yet have a source when the function is called. If so, the style
* is applied to the layer via a once listener on the 'change:source' event.
* @param {Layer} layer An OpenLayers layer instance.
* @param {Array<string>} layerIds Array containing layer ids of already-processed layers.
* @param {Object} glStyle Style as a JSON object.
* @param {string|undefined} styleUrl The original style URL. Only required
* when a relative path is used with the `"sprite"` property of the style.
* @param {Map|LayerGroup} mapOrGroup OpenLayers Map.
* @param {Options} options Options.
* @return {Promise} Returns a promise that resolves after the source has
* been set on the specified layer, and the style has been applied.
* @private
declare function finalizeLayer(layer: Layer, layerIds: Array<string>, glStyle: any, styleUrl: string | undefined, mapOrGroup: Map | LayerGroup, options?: Options): Promise<any>;
import Layer from "ol/layer/Layer.js";

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