Tools for command-line management and moderation of OpenHatch mailman lists, based on listadmin by Kjetil Torgrim Homme.
This is what it looks like:
This lets you run:
and administer OpenHatch email lists via a simple, low-friction command line interface.
You can see a sample session that demonstrates listadmin's features.
You can read more about listadmin via its website. (oh-listadmin is a wrapper around listadmin, configuring it for use with OpenHatch lists.)
Make sure you have a copy of this git repository on your computer. One way to that is:
$ git clone
Now, use "cd" to change directory into it:
$ cd oh-listadmin
On Debian and Ubuntu systems, you can run:
$ sudo apt-get install listadmin
On other systems, like Mac OS, I am not sure I am not sure. Help is welcome.
To run the Makefile that drives configuration, run:
$ sudo apt-get install make
Since OpenHatch email lists have a master password, you need someone to tell you that password.
Once they tell it to you, run these commands:
$ cp password.template password.private $ chmod 0600 password.private $ nano -w password.private
and place the password in this file.
Then run:
$ make
and it will create a listadmin.ini file.
You can run it like so:
$ ./oh-listadmin
When we want to add new lists to the set of email lists that our lovely list moderators moderate, we should edit the listadmin.ini.template file, adding the new lists, and then ask the list moderators to run "git pull" and then "make".