Releases: open-v2x/docs
Releases · open-v2x/docs
Release version: Columbia
JUN 01, 2023
Bold means new feature
- The OpenV2X Columbia version merges the previously used Edgeview and Centerview into Omega
- Support the supervision of multiple edge sites, and manage the devices and event data under each edge by switching edge sites
- Support calling external algorithms and managing algorithm versions
- Support Services Guidelines
- The device menu supports the query, addition, deletion and editing of RSU models, RSU devices, radar devices, signal light devices, camera devices, and LeTV all-in-one devices.
- The maintenance menu supports MAP configuration, RSU service configuration, RSU maintenance configuration, RSU log configuration, and RSU information query.
- The Event menu supports Vehicle reverse traffic warning, vehicle slow traffic warning, front congestion warning, vehicle speed limit warning, roadside information, roadside safety information,do not pass warning, intersection collision warning, vulnerable road user collision warning,sensor data sharing and cooperative lane hange log information record and query
- Support viewing the camera video stream and lidar point cloud map of the current intersection
- Support intersection information query at edge sites, connection status of RSU devices, radar devices, signal light devices, camera devices, and LeTV all-in-one devices, and display the current vehicle running status, speed, number of vehicles, number of pedestrians and congestion at the intersection.
- Support early warning, including Vehicle reverse traffic warning, vehicle slow traffic warning, front congestion warning, vehicle speed limit warning, roadside information, roadside safety information,do not pass warning, intersection collision warning, vulnerable road user collision warning,sensor data sharing and cooperative lane hange
Bug Fix:
- 边缘注册到中心经常失败 #184
- 边缘站点详情页安装区域为空 #202
- 边缘站点下拉框点击后还来不及选择,下拉框就收起来了 #200
- 创建好边缘站点,点击编辑,安装区域显示不正确 #199
- 边缘站点详情页 404 #198
- 边缘站点列表少了安装区域和创建时间两个字段 #197
- 信号灯设备页面,表格字段少了关联 RSU #196
- 登陆时用户名错误无弹窗提示 #195
- 编辑设备时,删除关联的 RSU,保存后再打开,没有删除成功 #194
- RSU 业务配置,选择配置的 rsu,rsu 的安装区域应该精确到路口 #193
- 大屏设备在线率,毫米波雷达数据未接入 #192
- 修改大屏小车拥堵级别颜色 #191
- 超速详情页面车辆信息单位换算成米 #190
- 算法配置,点击禁用后保存,状态变回了启用 #189
- 服务指引英文版样式优化 #188
- 地图管理详情页,地图预览点击以后 404,map 数据文件点击以后 not found #187
- 多节点部署,在边缘的 rse 模拟器发送轨迹数据,边缘站点大屏上看不到小车 #186
- 设备列表中字段名重复 #185
- 从选择边缘站点开始,进入新路口,设备数量是刚才进入的旧路口的数量 #110
- Gabbi test lack of documentations & pip dependence #104
- 雷视一体机的启用禁用无效 #222
- 雷视一体机,根据关联 RSU 查询,查询结果无效 #221
- 注册边缘站点后,大屏看不到小车,事件列表能收到事件 #220
- 同一区域存在同名路口 #217
- 信号灯安装区域筛选结果不符合输入 #215
- 删除有设备关联的路口,前端页面无反应 #214
- 用户新增的算法模块,预期不能和默认的算法模块同名 #213
- 当新增的算法版本有重复时,后端返回500网络错误 #212
- 删除正在使用中的算法,接口改成返回算法版本 #211
- 新增算法版本,不应该影响到算法配置列表的时间 #210
- dandelion 容器为退出状态,日志如图 #209
- 编辑路口提示 405 方法不允许 #208
- 禁用碰撞预警算法,刷新页面后还是启用状态 #207
- 设备管理 MAP 配置界面上看不到 RSU 上报的 MAP 数据 #218
- 事件管理-事件列表,点击下一页,消息 id 与第一页的重复了,都是 1-10 #157
- 协作换道场景,转弯处容易出现逆行误判:正常行驶的车被标成了红色 #155
- 发送模拟消息,车辆慢行事件列表看不到事件 #153
- 发送车辆慢行模拟数据,路口信息显示拥堵 #152
- 模拟器发送了逆行数据,大屏上也看到了小车,dandelion 没有显示逆行事件 #135
- Cerebrum logs error while getting rsu info during lauch phase #64
- 禁用碰撞预警算法,没有禁用超速和慢行算法,大屏上应该有超速和慢行的标注的 #143
Known Issue:
Release version: Beihai
NOV 21, 2022
Bold means new feature
OpenV2x Edge Portal:
- The Device menu supports the query, add, delete and edit of lidar device and signal service.
- The Event menu supports intersection collision warning, vulnerable road user collision warning,sensor data sharing and cooperative lane hange log information record and query.
- The Device menu supports the query, add, delete and edit of RSU device,RSU model,camera device,radar device.
- The Maintenance menu supports MAP configuration, RSU service configuration, RSU maintenance configuration, RSU log configuration, and RSU information query.
- The Event menu supports roadside information, roadside safety information,do not pass warning log information record and query.
- The System menu supports edge site configuration, quick link to the central portal.
OpenV2x Center View:
- Support the connection status of lidar devices,camera devices,signal lamp devices
- Support viewing camera video stream and laser radar point cloud image at the current intersection
- Support the intersection information query of edge sites, the connection status of RSU devices,lidar devices,ladar devices, and display the current vehicle running status, speed, number of vehicles, number of pedestrians and congestion at intersections.
- Support early warning, including multiple scenarios such as vehicle collision at the intersection, weak collision, traffic participants passing in the opposite direction, collaboration, lane change, and sensing data sharing.
Bug Fix:
- It should be supported to view the real-time monitoring image of a camera issue #18
- Large screen camera,wrong radar data #26
- the password of redis/mysql does not support [ / : \ #59
- Modify edgeview Edge site name, the old and new data exist at the same time, and the old data disappears after a long time #58
- Use the simulator to send data and you can't see the car #41
- 设备管理页面新建RSU后更换安装区域,云控中心大屏没有显示正确的RSU安装地址 #141
- It should be supported to view the real-time monitoring image of a camera #18
- 无法登录 #88
- The prompt is not friendly #66
- CD 环境上看不到视频,本地可以看到视频 #45
- 视频播放不流畅,页面会转圈 #105
- 监控视频没有铺满播放器,四周空白区域太大 #47
Known Issue:
- Cerebrum logs error while getting rsu info during lauch phase #64
- Gabbi test lack of documentations & pip dependence #104
Release version: albany
July 29, 2022
OpenV2x Edge Portal:
- The Device menu supports the query, add, delete and edit of RSU device, RSU model, Camera device and Radar device.
- The Maintenance menu supports MAP configuration, RSU service configuration, RSU maintenance configuration, RSU log configuration, and RSU information query.
- The Event menu supports roadside information, roadside safety information, do not pass warning log information record and query.
- The System menu supports edge site configuration, quick link to the central portal.
OpenV2x Center View:
- Support the intersection information query of edge sites, the connection status of RSU devices at intersections, and display the current vehicle running status, speed, number of vehicles, number of pedestrians and congestion at intersections.
- Support early warning, including multiple scenarios such as vehicle collision at the intersection, weak collision, traffic participants passing in the opposite direction, collaboration, lane change, and sensing data sharing.
Bug Fix:
A total of 17 bugs have been fixed so far
- redis / db / mqtt could be connected with docker0 ip#10
- the password of mqtt/redis/mysql does not support @ ' and "#21
- Device management page, radar and camera device page query filtering issue#14
- In RSU details, the RSU model does not show issue#19
- On the RSI listing page, the field is wrong#25
- Large screen camera, wrong radar data#26
- Event management supports custom sorting based on creation time#33
- the password of mqtt/redis/mysql does not support @ ' and "#46
- After updating site information, the vehicle is not shown in Central View#49
- mysql password supports special characters#50
- Some messages cannot be sent through the simulator#16
- The main site cannot connect to subsite#56
- the password of redis/mysql does not support [ / : \ #59
- Modify edgeview Edge site name, the old and new data exist at the same time, and the old data disappears after a long time#58
- The json of Reporting rsu information needs to be optimized and so on#24
- Failed to create RSU#94
- cerebrum(albany version) crash during startup#18
- tox py3 failed in ubuntu 20.04#61
Known Issue:
- Cerebrum logs error while getting rsu info during lauch phase#64
- 无法登录 #88
- pre research and add a e2e framework, support multiple domains and tabs #9
- Spat data report should be supported issue #35
- Spat data sending should be supported issue #36
- It should be supported to view the real-time monitoring image of a camera issue #18
- Use sqlalchemy 2.0 style #11
- It should be supported to analyze cameras' RTSP raw data #48
- Gabbi test lack of documentations & pip dependence #104
- Add api for cerebrum to support dynamically configuring algorithm #77
Release version: albany
July 29, 2022
OpenV2x Edge Portal:
- The Device menu supports the query, add, delete and edit of RSU device, RSU model, Camera device and Radar device.
- The Maintenance menu supports MAP configuration, RSU service configuration, RSU maintenance configuration, RSU log configuration, and RSU information query.
- The Event menu supports roadside information, roadside safety information, do not pass warning log information record and query.
- The System menu supports edge site configuration, quick link to the central portal.
OpenV2x Center View:
- Support the intersection information query of edge sites, the connection status of RSU devices at intersections, and display the current vehicle running status, speed, number of vehicles, number of pedestrians and congestion at intersections.
- Support early warning, including multiple scenarios such as vehicle collision at the intersection, weak collision, traffic participants passing in the opposite direction, collaboration, lane change, and sensing data sharing.
Known Issue:
- The Central Portal vehicle model does not show issue #28
- The manually created RSU has a problem of restarting the algorithm service #29
- Performance test, RSM trajectory data packet loss issue #30
- In RSU details, the RSU model does not show issue #12
- Device management page, radar and camera device page query filtering issue #13
- Maintenance - RSU information query, page display issue #14
- Unexpectedly quit editing during device creation #15