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Sample Onshape API workflow examples in typescript


Git, Nodejs and Npm should be installed. credentials.json should be populated


Clone this github repo locally and run the below command to install all the dependencies and do a build first

$ npm run build

Examples section

Listed are the various workflows samples included in this repo. All examples make Onshape API calls and need a valid credentials.json. Please refer to Storing credentials section down below.

Export released drawings example

$ npm run revisionexport
$ npm run revisionexport --  --part=step --all --export-dir=/tmp/sample

When the application is run first time, it will try to export all latest released drawings to PDF since the last 30 days. When run the second time it will use the information in ./reports/revisionexport/revision_exports.csv to only process drawing revisions that have not already been exported. This application is designed to be run as nightly job to extract all newly released drawings since the script was last run. All failed exports should be logged in ./logs/revisionexport.log and captured in revision_exports.csv file.

Supported options


By default the script only exports drawings. This option allows you to exports parts

  • step Export part to step
  • iges Export part to iges


Controls what format the drawings are exported to. Supported options are dwg, dxf, json and pdf


Export all revisions and not just the latest ones. This option is meaningful when this script is run for the first time. Periodic runs of this script will capture all revisions as they are released and not just the latest one.


By default the script only exports revisions going back to 30 days. Use it to extend to go futher into the past. This option is only used the first time it is run. Subsequent runs of the script export revisions by reading the last exported revision from revision_exports.csv.


To export all files to different folder. By default it will create a folder ./exports/revisionexport to store exports. You can use this option to map a network drive and export to it.


To store report of all exports revision_exports.csv in a different location.



By default the script uses company configured export rules to generate export file names. If specified it will always export with filename PARTNUMER_REVISION.pdf.

Additional configuration of options used to export various formats or more format support can be added by editing EXPORT_OPTIONS in revisionexports.ts


Find Revisions example

$ npm run findrevisions                             # to find only the latest revsions
$ npm run findrevisions -- --all                    # to find all revisions

The script will generate ./reports/revisions/revisions.csv that will contain all part numbers and their revisions ever released in your company. The API Key must be generated for a company admin as only they can enumerate all revisions.


Find Tasks/Release Packages example

Enumerate all release packages

$ npm run findworkflows

Enumerate all release packages and general tasks

$ npm run findworkflows -- --objectType=TASK --objectType=RELEASE --objectType=OBSOLETION

The will generate csvs for all tasks and release packages found. The API Key must be generated for a company admin as only they can enumerate all workflowable objects owned by company.

Supported options


Find only workflowable with matching type. Option can be specified multiple times.

  • RELEASE All release packages use to create revisions
  • OBSOLETION All release packages use to obsolete revisions
  • TASK All general tasks


Filter for only matching state of the workflow. Option can be specified multiple times. Some example values are OPEN COMPLETE for tasks Some example values are RELEASED SETUP PENDING for release packages

Programmatic Revision Creation

This script will create a release package for specified version and elementId and do a release. For the release to be successful part numbers must be pre-assigned to all items. Use extreme caution while running this script as creating a revision is not undoable.

$ npm run createrevision -- --docuri=''
Supported options


This parameter is required and you need to have WRITE access to release the element.


If you are releasing a part you will also need to specify its id.


The right configuration for the assembly/part studio. This can also be part of the docuri search paramrs


By default the next valid revision will be used. You can use this option to skip revisions.


Use if part number is not already set in workspace or version, you can specify the part number for the item to release.


If you a releasing an existing version, its name is used. Otherwise you can specify the name of the release package.

Webhooks example

This examples illustrates how to listen to onshape notifications via webhooks. It will listen to these events.

  • onshape.revision.created Fired for every revision created
  • onshape.model.lifecycle.createversion Fired for every new version saved
  • onshape.model.translation.complete Fired when translations are completed
  • onshape.workflow.transition Fired when workflowables objects like Releases are tranistioned

Simply run the following command

$ node ./.compiledjs/webhook.js
$ node ./.compiledjs/webhook.js -- --documentId=9a157ab732ea334a1c28b418 # If not running as a company admin

It does so by running a http server and exposing http://localhost:9191/onshapeevents via either ngrok or localtunnel to

What it does:

  • Saves every new version in ./reports/webhook/versions.csv
  • Saves every release package transition in ./reports/webhook/release_packages.csv
  • Export every released part as STEP format and save in ./exports/webhook using the polling mechanism
  • Export every released drawing as PDF format and save in ./exports/webhook using the onshape.model.translation.complete webhook event
  • Export every released assembly as GTLF format and save in ./exports/webhook
Supported options


The webhook URL that should be publicly accessible from Only use it if you can expose your http://localhost:9191/onshapeevents publicly as


The port on local host to run the node express server to listen for webhook notifications.


Use free tunneling service to expose your local computer to outside


Use free tunneling service to expose your local computer to outside


By default the sample tries to install a company level webhook. If you are not a company admin you need to specify a documentId to listen to only webhook events pertaining to the document you have access to.

Folder processor example

$ npm run processfolder -- --folder=aa8e16d5387740ee4bacad61

This application will process a folder recursively and generate of report of all documents residing in it. Here aa8e16d5387740ee4bacad61 is the onshape id of the folder. You can get this id by navigating to the folder in the webclient like so


What the Folder processor does

  • Find all documents and sub folders in the specified folder
    • For each document process all of its workspaces
      • For each workspace find all externally linked documents used in it
  • Generate ./reports/folder/references.csv report containing all documents involved and whether any of them are not contained in the folder.

Folder References

Storing credentials in credentials.json

This sample expects api keys to make onshape api calls. Use dev portal to generate api keys as a company admin and save in this format in the same folder as credentials.json

    "cad": {
        "url": "",
        "accessKey": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",

Mutiple credentials are supported. Unless --stack is used the first credential will be used by default.


The application logs both to console and a file called logs/scriptname.log . Both of these can be configured by utils/logger.ts Refer to log4js for additional logging configurations

Additional information

The credentials file can store multiple api keys. For all of the scripts you can specify an extra argument


as needed to pick the right credentials. This option can be omitted if you only have one credential stored.

If you are member of multiple companies you can specify an extra argument


to pick the right company Id. You can also save it as a companyId field in your credentials.json

Editing in Visual Studio Code

To customize any of these scripts or add additional ones, using Visual Studio Code IDE is highly recommended.

  1. Style and eslint settings are preconfigured for Visual Studio Code workspace.
  2. Debugging various scripts are already setup in launch.json
  3. Simply pick Tasks: Run Build Task -> tsc: watch to ensure the javascript files are compiled on edit for debugging


A typescript Onshape API client with few examples






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