Bundle delivery tool
- create release notes
- diff of two bundles
bundle help
bundle notes --github-token **** --head test/Bundle-latest.yaml --base test/Bundle-2024-10-30.yaml -v debug
Command: bundle --help
bundle [command]
Available Commands:
diff Generate bundle diff
notes Generate bundle notes
-b, --base string base bundle file
-t, --github-token string github access token
-f, --head string head bundle file
-h, --help help for bundle
-i, --ignore-products stringArray ignore bundle products
Global Flags:
-c, --config string config file (default is .bundle.yaml)
-v, --verbosity string Log level (debug, info, warn and error (default "INFO")
Use "bundle bundle [command] --help" for more information about a command.
go install
bundle version
go build
docker build -t bundle .
goreleaser release --snapshot --clean