You can boot Jenkins into a new Engine Yard Cloud environment with two simple commands:
gem install ey_cli
ey_cli create_app --git git:// --name jenkins --env_name jenkins --type rack
When the environment finishes booting, you can view it with:
ey launch -e jenkins -a jenkins
When the instance finished booting and deploying you will have Jenkins running!
If you have a custom domain name that you want for Jenkins, consider using ey-dns to setup it up.
Example usage:
gem install engineyard-dns
ey-dns assign -e jenkins -a jenkins
Now will map to your Jenkins installation!
was installed in /engineyard/bin
and is the script that you will actually execute in Jenkins.
The hello world example:
$ /engineyard/bin/xvfb-run -s "-screen 0 1024x768x24" echo "Hello world"
You'll want to use the following code chunk in your Jenkins jobs:
export RAILS_ENV=test
cp /data/jenkins/shared/config/database.yml config/
sed -i 's/jenkins/test/' config/database.yml
sed -i 's/production:/test:/' config/database.yml
bundle --deployment
/engineyard/bin/xvfb-run -s "-screen 0 1024x768x24" bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate spec --trace
Some sed
was necessary to prepare the database.yml
file for a test database. The first sed
renames the database from whatever you named this CI application to test. The second sed
just mods the existing production environment section to be test. Production is the EY default.
- qt-webkit 4.7.3 - as required for capybara-webkit
- xorg-server 1.3 - headless X