This repository provides the necessary codes to reproduce the work done in the CMPT980 project.
A pre-print will be provided the initial version is submitted to ICCST2020
1- requirements.txt: packages and dependencies.
2- code: folder containing the final codes.
3- reference: folder containing the replication of the reference code.
4- cedar: job scripts and outputs for running on Compute Canada.
The code has been tested using python 3.7.4
The requirements.txt provides the required packages.
Our codes are provided in the code folder.
There are 2 executable codes for the models:
1- for detecting malicious Vs benign traffic.
2- for classifying the type of DDoS attack.
There is a features.txt file that determines which features will be used in the training.
There are 2 codes for the dataset and feature exploration:
1- Code for recursive feature elimination. Outputs the plot of the corss validation scores vs. number of selected features to identify number of important features. Also, based on the previous step, it outputs 28 most important features to be used as input of the classifier codes.
2- Is a basic code for reading all of the data and outputs a plot of the label distribution (types of attacks) in the dataset. Also, outputs mean of the "Flow duration (us)" in attack and bengin types. These duration means are used to compare the detection latency vs. attack flow duration.
The reference paper we used in the evaluations can be reproduced using the code in the reference folder.
This code was cloned and modified from the following repository:
We ran our codes using Compute Canada, therefore we provided the scripts to submit jobs to the large GPU nodes in the cedar folder.
Additionally, we provide 2 pre-trained models to test the code inside the cedar/output folder.
The code depends on the CIC-DDoS 2019 dataset.
You will need to download and extract the .CSV files from the dataset using this link:
The following instructions apply to both binary and category classifiers.
Create a new virtual environment
python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
Activate the environment
cd /path/to/new/virtual/environment
Move to the project folder and install the dependencies
cd /path/to/project
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Create a folder to hold the outputs
mkdir cedar/output/new_folder
Navigate to the code Folders
cd code
Modify the following directories in the or to point to the actual directories.
train_dir = '/CICDDoS2019/CSVs/01-12/'
test_dir = '/CICDDoS2019/CSVs/03-11/'
output_dir ='../cedar/output/new_output_folder'
For quick testing of the code, restrict the number of rows read from the files to a small number using:
df = pd.read_csv(filename, nrows=100)
You can modify the features.txt to include more features or alternatively use the default settings.\
In order to train the network use the following command
python3 train features.txt new_output_folder
python3 train features.txt new_output_folder
For just testing the pre-trained network, use the following command
python3 test features.txt new_output_folder ../cedar/output/ML_binary_classifier_model
python3 test features.txt new_output_folder ../cedar/output/ML_category_classifier_model
You can replace the model with your saved model or use the already saved ones.
For running the use:
python <path to directory of training CSVs> <path to directory of test CSVs>
For running the use:
python <path of features.txt>
The output plots of these two codes are saved to "SVG" files.
To run the reference code, most instructions are similar.
We only managed to run this code using a maximum of 1M rows only from each file, otherwise we get out of memory errors.
cd ../reference
python3 features.txt
In order to execute the code on Compute Canada, you need to acquire access to the cluster and modify the email and paths in the bash script to point to your local directories.
cd ../cedar/scripts