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NuGet .NET

Omise.Net is a NuGet package for CLR platforms (.NET Standard) and is written in C#. This library is developed on OS X using Visual Studio for Mac. This package provides a set of bindings to the Opn Payments REST API.

Please contact [email protected] if you have any question regarding this library and the functionality it provides.


You will need to obtain the Opn Payments public and secret API keys in order to use this package. You can obtain them by registering on our website.

PCL support is removed since v2.5, the library now targets .NET Standard instead.

This library targets the .NET Standard version 2.0. For an updated list of supported platforms and compatibility with projects that target the PCL, please consult Official Microsoft's Documentation on .NET Standard.

Versioning and Compatibility

Although you can use omise-dotnet with other .NET versions, we have validated the following versions in our CI pipeline to ensure compatibility and stability.

Library Version Support Supported Omise API Version .NET Version(s) Supported Notes
1.x End of Life (EOL) 2014-07-27 N/A Initial release with basic features. No longer maintained.
2.x End of Life (EOL) 2017-11-02 .NET Core 2.1.x, .NET Core 3.1.x, .NET 5.0.x Major release with breaking changes, aligning with the new Omise API version. No longer maintained
3.x Active 2017-11-02 .NET Core 3.0, .NET 5.0, .NET 6.0, .NET 7.0, .NET 8.0 Drop support for .NET Core 2.1.x to allow usage of c# 8
4.x Upcoming 2019-05-29 .NET Core 3.0, .NET 5.0, .NET 6.0, .NET 7.0, .NET 8.0 Support 2019-05-29 api version

*Maintenance mode includes only bug fixes and security updates.



The easiest way to get going with this library is via NuGet packages:

> Install-Package omise


Or you can compile this library manually and add a reference to Omise.Net.dll. The library also depends on the following packages/assemblies:

  • Microsoft.Threading.Tasks (via Microsoft.Async package)
  • System.Net.Http (via Microsoft.Net.Http package)

TLS configuration

If you are using .NET 4.0 or 4.5 and found that the Opn Payments API constantly terminates the connection causing an exception to be raised, this may be because the platform is using an unsupported or insecure version of the TLS connection.

You can workaround this by upgrading to .NET 4.6 or add the following code to the start of your program:

System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = System.Net.SecurityProtocol.Tls12;

If your target platform does not have the ServicePointManager class, then this library will not work for you. You will have to find other ways of connecting to the Opn Payments API securely.

Getting started

The core of the library is the client that contains services to call the APIs. To initialize the client, you need to have the API keys. Visit the Opn Payments Dashboard to obtain your API keys.

using Omise;

var client = new Client([YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY], [YOUR_SECRET_KEY]);

You must specify at least one key. Usually you will only need the secret key so a shorter form may be more preferrable:

var client = new Client(skey: "YOUR_SECRET_KEY");

You may also specify the specific API version to use:

var client = new Omise.Client([YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY], [YOUR_SECRET_KEY]);

Using with ASP.NET Web Forms

Since this library makes extensive use of the async/await C# language feature, you may want to check out Microsoft's guide on Using Asynchronous Methods in ASP.NET 4.5 before using this library.

In a nutshell, your ASP.NET Web Forms page that interacts with the Opn Payments API will need an Async="true" setting on the @Page directive:

<%@ Page Async="true" ... %>

And methods that use async/await must now be registered:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    RegisterAsyncTask(new PageAsyncTask(createCharge));

private async Task createCharge()
    var omise = new Client(skey: "skey_test_123");

    var charge = await omise.Charges.Create(new Omise.Models.CreateChargeRequest
        Amount = 10025,
        Currency = "THB",
        Card = Request.Form["omiseToken"]

    lblCharge.Text = charge.Id;


All tests in this library are against fixture files. There is no network test implemented. Since we target the PCL even for the test code, the fixture data files are imported as C# byte slices via a T4 template.


The following example code demonstrates common tasks that you can perform with this package. Note that, despite this library allowing you to do so, you should never transmit credit card data through your server directly. Please read our Security Best Practices guideline before deploying production code using this package.

Note: It is important to mention that when creating a wechat_pay source, it is advised to pass the ip parameter. This ip parameter should be the ip from the customer's device and not the server's ip.

Creating a Charge with a Token

var token = GetToken();
var charge = Client.Charges.Create(new CreateChargeRequest
        Amount = 200000 // 2,000.00 THB
        Currency = "thb",
        Card = token.Id

Print("created charge: " + charge.Id);

The API calls return Task<TResult> so if your development platforms support C#'s async and await, you can also use it with this package:

var charge = await client.Charges.Create(new CreateChargeRequest { })

Creating a Customer, then a Charge

var token = GetToken();
var customer = await Client.Customers.Create(new CreateCustomerRequest
        Email = "[email protected]",
        Description = "customer#1234",
        Card = token.Id

Print("created customer: {0}", customer.Id);

var charge = await Client.Charges.Create(new CreateChargeRequest
        Customer = customer.Id,
        Amount = 200000, // 2,000.00 THB
        Currency = "thb"

Print("created charge: {0}", charge.Id);

Transferring money to the default Recipient

var transfer = await Client.Transfers.Create(new CreateTransferRequest
        Amount = 1000000 // 10,000.00 THB

Print("created transfer: {0}", transfer.Id);

Transferring money to a new Recipient

var recipient = await Client.Recipients.Create(new CreateRecipientRequest
        Name = "Merchant X Smith",
        Email = "[email protected]",
        Description = "merchant#456",
        Type = RecipientType.Individual,
        BankAccount = new BankAccountRequest
            Brand = "bank",
            Number = "7777-777-777",
            Name = "Smith X.",

Print("created recipient: {0}", recipient.Id);

var transfer = await Client.Transfers.Create(new CreateTransferRequest
        Amount = 99900, // 999.00 THB
        Recipient = recipient.Id

Print("created transfer: {0}", transfer.Id);

Important note about merchant compliance

Card data should never transit through your server. This library provides the means to create card tokens server-side but should only be used for testing or if you currently have valid PCI-DSS Attestation of Compliance (AoC) delivered by a certified QSA Auditor

Instead, we recommend that you follow our guide on how to safely collect credit card information.


MIT, See LICENSE file for the full text.