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This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 18, 2020. It is now read-only.


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tl;dr: Don't expect this to work

Development of this has been discontinued at a stage that still can't provide any real service. There are critical issues that have been punted, and not yet completed, among others:

  1. Signatures - in develop branch still mocks are used. Using Ethereum-compliant signature scheme has been done, but not yet merged!

Other important development planned, but not yet done:

  1. Transaction fee handling and slashing
  2. DEx: do order placing, canceling, updating / batch matching & execution / performant, merkelized order book
  3. More on token management: transfer rights / AML-KYC support
  4. State persistence: checkpoint the ABCI app's state, instead of relying on Tendermint replaying transactions from genesis
  5. PoW maturity proofs (see docs/tendermint_blockchain_design): integrate with the epoch change transactions' logic
  6. Consider alternative state merklization: rethink application of Merkle Patricia Trees
  7. Event system: considerably overhaul and redesign
  8. Known bugs: unstable Websocket connection with Tendermint RPC / inability to restart node that did sign-offs

For smaller items, see TODO comments in code.



Only Linux platforms supported now. Known to work with Ubuntu 16.04

Install Elixir. Make sure rebar is in your path, e.g. export PATH=$PATH:~/.mix (mileage may vary).

Install Rust and cargo.

Install Tendermint from source (golang >= v1.9 and glide is required).

NOTE Validator set updates work only with a temporary branch here. Check out and install this, for example like this:

cd $GOPATH/src/
git remote add omisego
git fetch omisego
git checkout v0.15.0_dirty_no_val_check
glide install
go install ./cmd/tendermint

This is necessary because Tendermint v0.15.0 imposed a limit on voting power change (<1/3 per block), which will be removed in v0.16.0, that hasn't yet been released. Hence, we need to use our fork which lifts this limit.


  • git clone - clone this repo
  • cd honted
  • mix deps.get
  • iex -S mix
  • elsewhere:
    • tendermint init (once)
    • tendermint --log_level "*:info" node (everytime to start Tendermint)
  • then in the iex REPL you can run commands using HonteD.API, e.g. ones mentioned in demos (see docs/..., don't pick OBSOLETE demos)

Do tendermint unsafe_reset_all && tendermint init every time you want to clean the databases and start from scratch.


  • quick test (no integration tests): mix test --no-start
  • long running unit tests: mix test --no-start --only slow
  • longer-running integration tests: mix test --no-start --only integration
  • everything: mix test --no-start --include integration --include slow
  • Dialyzer: mix dialyzer. First run will build the PLT, so may take several minutes
  • style & linting: mix credo. (--strict is switched on by default)
  • coverage: mix coveralls.html --umbrella --no-start --include integration slow

Integration tests

NOTE Integration tests require tm-bench to be installed: go get -u, possibly a cd $GOPATH/src/ && glide install && go install . will be necessary

When running integration tests, remember to have tendermint, tm-bench, and geth binaries reachable in your $PATH.

When running integration tests, remember to install populus and populus compile the contracts, like so:

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install solc
cd populus
pip install -r requirements.txt
populus compile

Assuming you have python and pip installed, using virtualenv is recommended.

Performance test - quick guide

In the same setup as for the Integration tests, run e.g.:

mix run --no-start -e 'HonteD.PerftestScript.setup_and_run(5, 0, 100)'

for more details see the moduledoc therein.

NOTE with this Tendermint version you may get weird :invalid_nonce errors sometimes. v0.16 should fix this. To fix that, turn off nonce check for Send transactions in abci/state.ex, without loss of relevance of perf test results.

NOTE 2 due to this the averaged performance test results won't be calculated. Only the raw information from Tendermint logs is available.

Using the APIs


JSONRPC 2.0 requests are listened on on the port specified in honted_jsonrpc's config. The available RPC calls are defined by honted_api in api.ex - the functions are method names and their respective arguments make the dictionary sent as params. The argument names are indicated by the @spec clauses.

NOTE JSONRPC 2.0 doesn't support the methods related to events/filters


Websocket connections are listened on on the port specified in honted_ws's config. Same considerations with respect to method and parameters' names apply as with JSONRPC 2.0. The calls to the Websocket RPC are structured in a pseudo-JSONRPC-like manner:

Example call string to send to the socket would be:

{"wsrpc": "1.0", "type": "rq", "method": "new_send_filter", "params": {"watched": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"}}

Overview of apps

HonteD is an umbrella app comprising several Elixir applications. See the apps' respective moduledoc's' for their respective overviews and documentation.

The general idea of the apps responsibilities is:

  • honted_abci - talks to Tendermint core and maintains the state, including validator selection and tracking the staking mechanism on Ethereum
  • honted_api - main entrypoint to the functionality. Interacts with the blockchain via Tendermint APIs
  • honted_eth - fetches information about validators set from Ethereum and feeds it into honted_abci
  • honted_integration - just for integration/performance testing
  • honted_jsonrpc - a JSONRPC 2.0 gateway to honted_api - automatically exposed via ExposeSpec
  • honted_ws - a Websockets gateway to honted_api - automatically exposed via ExposeSpec
  • honted_lib - all stateless and generic functionality, shared application logic


We assume, that an appropriate Ethereum client is exposing its RPC for honted_eth and that appropriate contracts have been deployed and are operated according to their documentation (currently - documentation in contract code in contracts).

To configure HonteD node to use a particular staking contract, copy apps/honted_eth/config.exs to apps/honted_eth/local_staking_config.exs, switch the enabled flag to true and modify the config appropriately. Then use the edited config file to run honted.