Hello there! On my road to learning (and getting good at!) Ruby on Rails I started this little app to cover a couple of rails features by adding some standard functionalities.
Gimmeback is a simple webpage to add and track those books, games and other stuff you lend your friends.
Currently it uses:
- Ruby 2.2.5
- Ruby on Rails 5
- SQLite
So far the following are implemented
- User registration, email activation, login, 'remember me' , password recovery , info editing. User contact info
- Item registration , searching other users or creating recipient automatically as a guest, editing , returning the item, listing of open (users and friends) and returned items
- Progress bar indicating time until defined return date
- Creates simple message to recipient of item when item is created, lists all messages
- Tests for navigation, user related actions, item creation and lending
Add item image upload and crop
I18n translations for pt-br and en-Us
Email notification via SendGrid
Friend List
Improve CSS (Not particularly my cup of tea)