This script will take a CSV file and try to guess the correct PostgreSQL table definition which would allow to load this file.
Given the following file named test_file.csv:
2;2012-02-03;2.23;text2;this is actually a string
2;2012-02-04;3.23;text3;this is actually a string
Running the following command will give you this output:
./ --file=test_file.csv --table=test
field1 INT, field2 DATE, field3 FLOAT, field4 VARCHAR(5), field5 VARCHAR(25)
You can then create the table and load it with:
\copy test from 'test_file.csv' with delimiter ';' csv header
The following datatypes are tested:
- float
- integer
- date
- timestamp
- varchar (this is the default if there is no other match)
- Parsing dates is always a bit difficult...
- Delimiters cannot be changed using command line options
- Table / Field names are not escaped properly
- Many types are missing
- ...