Bug Fixes
(x/order) #315 restrict the use of placing or cancelling order in the message array
(x/token) #308 add check to send/multi-send in token module
(x/staking) #304 wrong shares is calculated when proxy delegates
(x/staking) #289 staking double bind
(x/token) #203 fix token pair id duplicated
(x/staking) #158 optimize the error msg when a delegator unbond part of the stake from a destroyed validator
(x/staking) #136 break off the relation between the delegator and original proxy before rebind
(x/staking) #49 a delegator was banned from proxy regsiter with keeping binding before x/staking
(x/dex) #305 add the DEXOperator role, only DEXOperator can list token pairs and manage token pairs.
(x/staking) #223 increase staking min self delegation
(x/order) #152 fix token pair id duplicated issue
(x/token) #146 remove original multi-send fee from token module
(x/order) #131 modify the rule of fee in module order
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