This bootloader is useful for firmware updating from a running application and A/B switching. In such a configuration, two firmware binaries are stored in the MCUs flash: App A and app B. While app A is running, it can update app B, and vice versa.
The bootloader is designed to be small and simple, it's total binary size is only around 800 bytes.
At first boot and after updating the other binary, the app needs to inform the bootloader by writing a status flag to a specific address in the flash memory. The address and structure of the status data are defined in 'Config.h'
- Read the 'BootloaderStatus' from 'BOOTLOADER_STATUS_STRUCT_ADDR'
- If 'BootloaderStatus::status' equals 'BootloaderState::attemptNewApp', change it to 'BootloaderState::stableApp'
- In case the status changed (first boot of a new app), write it back to the flash at 'BOOTLOADER_STATUS_STRUCT_ADDR'
- Write the new firmware to the BOOTLOADER_APP_ADDRESS of the other application. When compiling, don't forget to update your linker scripts and startup code. Make sure the binary is correct, for example by verifying a checksum.
- Read the 'BootloaderStatus' from 'BOOTLOADER_STATUS_STRUCT_ADDR'
- Change the 'BootloaderStatus::status' to 'BootloaderState::newApp'
- Change the 'BootloaderStatus::liveAppSelect' to the number of the other app
- Write the struct back to 'BOOTLOADER_STATUS_STRUCT_ADDR'
- Reset the device
- The bootloader will try to boot the new app. If the app does not confirm to be functioning by setting 'BootloaderState::stableApp', the bootloader will switch back to the other app after 'BOOTLOADER_MAX_RETRIES' boots.
The bootloader is written for the STM32F103RCT MCU. Porting to other Cortex-M devices should be easy by replacing the files "startup.s", "system.c" and the linker-script "linker.ld" for the architecture accordingly.
The build system is Meson + Ninja
meson build --cross-file
cd build
There is a single build option "COPYBINARY". When this option is enabled, the boot address is distinct from the locations where the apps are stored. On boot, the live app is copied over from its stored location to the boot address, and it is then booted from there. You can enable this option from the build folder with the following command:
meson configure -DCOPYBINARY=enabled
Currently, the bootloader erases the whole page at 'BOOTLOADER_STATUS_STRUCT_ADDR', and it's content is lost. The bootloader should restore the contents of the page.