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Required OS and software
Setup & configuration
Example scripts
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TNRSbatch API is an API wrapper for TNRSbatch, a command line adaption of the Taxonomic Name Resolution Service (TNRS) web interface (Boyle 2013). For information on TNRSbatch, see the TNRSbatch repo. For information on the original TNRS code base, see Also see References for information on component applications GN Parser (Mozzherin 2008) and Taxamatch (Rees 2014).

R users may prefer to use the RTNRS R package, which queries the BIEN instance of TNRSbatch via the TNRS API.


Required OS and software

  • Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
  • Perl 5.26.1
  • PHP 7.2.19
  • MySQL 5.7.26
  • Apache 2.4.29
  • Makeflow 4.0.0 (released 02/06/2018)
  • Ruby 2.5.1p57 (Not tested on earlier versions)

PHP extensions:

  • php-cli
  • php-mbstring
  • php-curl
  • php-xml
  • php-json
  • php-services-json

Setup & configuration

1. Create the following directory structure under /var/www/:

  • Command line application tnrs_batch may be run from other locations. Adjust API parameters and Virtual Host directives accordingly.

2. Download contents of this respository to api:

git clone --depth=1 --branch=master /var/www/tnrs/api
cd /var/www/tnrs/tnrs_batch
rm -rf .git

3. Download contents of TNRSbatch repository to tnrs_batch:

git clone --depth=1 --branch=master /var/www/tnrs/tnrs_batch
cd /var/www/tnrs/tnrs_batch
rm -rf .git

4. Copy test file to data directory

cp /var/www/tnrs/api/example_data/testfile.csv /var/www/tnrs/data/

5. Adjust permissions

sudo chown -R $USER /var/www/tnrs/api
sudo chgrp -R www-data /var/www/tnrs/api
sudo chmod -R 774 /var/www/tnrs/api
sudo chmod -R g+s /var/www/tnrs/api

Repeat for directories tnrs_batch and data.

6. Set up Apache Virtual Host with /var/www/tnrs/api as DocumentRoot

7. Set up SSL

8. Build tnrs database or install from mysqldump

9. Update TNRS database, user and password parameters in TNRSbatch config file

10. Start parser as socket server

cd /var/www/tnrs/tnrs_batch
nohup parserver &


Input data

Input data should be organized as a UTF-8 CSV file with two columns. The first column must be an integer ID that uniquely identifies each row. The second column is the taxon name, with or without authorities. Optionally, the family name may be prepended to the taxon name (separated by a whitespace, NOT a comma) to help distinguish between homonyms (identical names applied to different taxa) in different families. Family name, if included, MUST end in -aceae or it will prevent matching. The first letter of the genus name must be capitalized for the parser to recognize it as a genus. Below is an example of a properly formated input file:

1,Arecaceae Mauritia
2,Solanaceae Solanum bipatens Dunal
3,Arecaceae Leopoldinia pulchra Mart.
4,Melastomataceae Leandra schenckii
5,Piper arboreum Aubl.
6,Poaceae Pseudochaetochloa australiensis Hitchc.
7,Juglandaceae Engelhardia spicata var. colebrookeana (Lindl. ex Wall. ) Koord. & Valeton
8,Melastomataceae Miconia sp.1

Input data must be converted to JSON and combined as element "data" with the TNRS options (element "opts"; see Options, below). The combined JSON object is sent to the API as POST data in the request body. The scripts below provide examples of how to do this in PHP and R.


The API accepts the following TNRS options, which must be converted to JSON and combined as element "opts" along with the data (element "data") in the request body POST data.

Option Meaning Value(s) Default Notes
sources Taxonomic sources tpl,gcc,ildis,tropicos,usda,ncbi tpl,gcc,ildis,tropicos,usda Can be combined, with comma delimiters
class Family classification tropicos,ncbi tropicos tropicos is euqivalent to APG III
mode Processing mode resolve,parse resolve Parse-only mode separates name components. Resolve mode parses, matches to a published name and resolves synonyms to accepted name.
matches Matches to return best,all best Return either the single best match to a name, or all matches above the minimum match threshold

Example scripts

All example scripts are in the example_scripts/ subdirectory.


  • tnrs_api_example.R demonstrates the individual components needed to build calls to the TNRS API from scratch
  • tnrs_api_example2.R demonstrates a more efficient function-based approach to calling the TNRS API

Linux shell (bash)

  • is a standalone bash executable for calling the TNRS API.
  • Used without options, it will submit a small set of example names (provided internally by the script) using the current production TNRS API at Results are display in the terminal without saving to the filesystem.
  • It also accepts command line options that can be used to set the input and output files (i.e., save to filesystem), the API endpoint, and most standard TNRS API options, such as taxonomic sources, best match vs. all matches, etc.
  • Currently only modes "resolve" and "parse" are supported
$ [-q|--quiet] [-v|--verbose] [-f </absolute/path/and/inputfilename.csv>] [-o </absolute/path/and/outputfilename.csv>] [-u <tnrs_api_url>] [-m|--mode {resolve|parse}] [-s|--sources <taxonomic,sources,comma,delimited>] [-c|--class <familyclassificationsourcename>] [-a|--allmatches] [-k|--keep_files]
  • All arguments are optional
Option Purpose Followed by value Default Notes
-q quiet [none] abbreviated input/output echo
-v verbose [none] abbreviated input/output echo
-f input file file path and name nothing saved
-o output file file path and name nothing saved
-u endpoint url TNRS API endpoint url Omit "/tnrs_api.php"
-m api mode resolve parse resolve
-s taxonomic sources One or more of: wfo,wcvp,cact wfo Available sources may change
-c family classification source One of: wfo,wcvp wfo Available source may change
-a all matches [none] Best match only if omitted
-k keep files [none] nothing saved if omitted Writes both input and output as CSV files
  • The example below specific input and output files, taxonomic sources wcvp and cact, all matches and runs in verbose mode
$ -f /home/boyle/tnrs/data/example_names.csv -o /home/boyle/tnrs/data/example_names_resolved.csv -a -s wcvp,cact -v
  • Run from same directory as script only: ./
  • Place in executable directory of your choice and include path in environment to run from anywhere

Related applications


Boyle, B., N. Hopkins, Z. Lu, J. A. Raygoza Garay, D. Mozzherin, T. Rees, N. Matasci, M. L. Narro, W. H. Piel, S. J. Mckay, S. Lowry, C. Freeland, R. K. Peet, and B. J. Enquist. 2013. The taxonomic name resolution service: An online tool for automated standardization of plant names. BMC Bioinformatics 14(1):16.

Mozzherin, D. Y. 2008. GlobalNamesArchitecture/biodiversity: Scientific Name Parser. https:// Accessed 15 Sep 2017

Rees, T. 2014. Taxamatch, an Algorithm for Near ('Fuzzy’) Matching of Scientific Names in Taxonomic Databases. PloS one 9(9): e107510.


API wrapper for TNRS batch application







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