To run this project, you must add the following to "project gradle properties" or "global gradle properties" : marvel_public_api_key="blah blah" marvel_private_api_key="blah blah"
This android app uses Marvel Comics APIs described in
This app demonstrates the following views and techniques:
- Multimodule architecture for multimodule architecture.
- Retrofit to make api calls to an HTTP web service.
- Moshi which handles the deserialization of the returned JSON to Kotlin data objects.
- Glide to load and cache images by URL.
- Room for local database storage.
- Jetpack Compose for Jetpack Compose
- Navigation with the SafeArgs plugin for parameter passing between fragments
- Hilt for dependency injection
- Pagination 3 for Pagination with Compose
- Kotlin DSL Gradle for Gradle
- ViewModel
- LiveData
- Data Binding with binding adapters
- View Binding with binding adapters
- Spotless for Spotless with ktlint formatting