The socket.io Linux C server, now just in developing at moment.
The server base on libev and glib, and run in linux systems now.
Before run the socket.io server, you have to install some dependencies before:
sudo apt-get install uuid-dev
sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev git clone zlog from https://github.com/HardySimpson/zlog, then make & make install it
The socket.io server may contains some hidden bugs, if you find it, please notice me :))
##How to use
- write you implemetion, eg:chatroom.c
- put your implemetion code(chatroom.c) in the example folder
- create your static html files put them into static folder
- edit the Makefile file
- open the console, type #make
- type ./socket.io_server
- access your webpages in browser now, eg: http://localhost:8000/chatroom.html
- enjoy it~
You have include the head file endpoint_impl.h within your code,which extends endpoint.h, the whole interface define, you can find here.
There are two demos in example folder, chatroom and whiteboard examples.
这是一个纯C语言版本的socket.io服务器端实现,目前仅支持linux系统,严重依赖libev and glib等基础库。
sudo apt-get install uuid-dev
sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev git clone zlog from https://github.com/HardySimpson/zlog, then make & make install it
- 编写实现代码(eg:chatroom.c),需要包含头文件 endpoint_impl.h
- 把实现代码(eg:chatroom.c)放入examples目录
- 编写对应的html文件,放入static目录
- 编辑Makefile文件
- 终端下运行make命令
- 然后敲入 ./socket.io_server 接口运行
- 打开浏览器即可访问 (eg:http://localhost:8000/chatroom.html)
对外的API,可以在头文件 endpoint_impl.h 看到其定义,其继承了另外一个公用的头文件 endpoint.h, 完整的面向实现代码的头文件定义见 完整定义.
在example目录中,你可以看到聊天室演示 chatroom 和在线白板示范 whiteboard .