Provides template code for the esp32 matter example applications. This is provided to help developers build simple "starter" matter applications using the ESP32 and the ESP-IDF.
This repository provides a base template Matter application that can be built using Espressif's SDK for Matter. Espressif's SDK for Matter is the official Matter development framework for ESP32 series SoCs. It is built on top of the open source Matter SDK, and provides simplified APIs, commonly used peripherals, tools and utilities for security, manufacturing and production accompanied by exhaustive documentation.
For efficient cloning of the ESP-Matter repository, please refer Getting the Repositories section in the ESP-Matter Programming Guide.
- This SDK currently works with commit d38a6496c3 of connectedhomeip.
- For Matter projects development with this SDK, it is recommended to utilize ESP-IDF v5.1.2.
Refer the Programming Guide for the latest version of the documentation.
Download the Matter specification from CSA's official site