Account creation (recaptcha integration will be done)
- Suggest email address ✔️
- Suggest username ✔️
- Suggest password ✔️
- Click on the verification link sent to the e-mail.
Navigation in the form of a real user ✔️
- Browses trending topics. ✔️
- Performs random scrolling. ✔️
- Navigates predefined topics.
- Browses the profiles of followed users.
- Scores the content of followed users.
Random upvote (Upvotes a random comment of existing content) ✔️
It contributes to the determined posts. (upvote/comment)
Makes random meaningful comments.
Keeps logs to the database.
It can be used to increase users karma points.
Creates scheduled content.
- Nodejs
- npm
- nodemon
- puppeteer
- nexe (converts nodejs application to exe)
- Open command line interface
git clone ssh:[email protected]:oguzhanbulut/reddittools.git && cd reddittools
npm setup
npm start
npm build
- 🎉 create a single executable out of your node.js apps
Thank you for your interest in contributing to Reddit Tools! All contributions are welcome no matter how big or small. This includes (but is not limited to) filing issues, adding documentation, fixing bugs, creating examples, and implementing features.
If you'd like to contribute, please claim an issue by commenting, forking, and opening a pull request, even if empty. This allows the maintainers to track who is working on what issue as to not overlap work. If you're looking to get started, check out good first issues or issues where help is wanted. For simple documentation changes, feel free to just open a pull request.
If you're considering larger changes or self motivated features, please file an issue and engage with the maintainers in Discord.