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Release checklist

Géry Debongnie edited this page Feb 21, 2020 · 21 revisions

Releasing Owl

Updating Owl (complete flow)

  1. run npm run test to make sure everything is ok!
  2. create release commit in master (local branch. do not push it yet):
    • upgrade version in package.json
    • upgrade links in
    • upgrade link in
    • commit message: [REL] vX.Y.Z
  3. npm run build, npm run minify
  4. create draft release on github. add notes, add files owl.js and owl.min.js
  5. push on master
  6. publish github draft release (this creates git tag)
  7. update github page
  8. add new code to benchmarks
    • duplicate last owl-x.y.z
    • cp dist/owl.js tools/benchmarks/owl-0.12.0/
    • edit new tools/benchmarks/owl-.../index.html to update reference to version in title
    • exit tools/index.html to add reference to new benchmarks
  9. npm run buildcommonjs, then npm publish

Updating Owl github page

  1. build owl (if not done)
  2. cp -r tools/playground/ dist/playground
  3. git checkout gh-pages
  4. cp dist/owl.js ./
  5. rm -rf playground/
  6. mv dist/playground ./
  7. commit changes (message: [IMP] owl: update to vX.Y.Z)
  8. git push

Owl new release with script

  1. (if not done): generate a github token, save it in .env.local
  2. npm run release
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