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My Bloody Jenkins - An opinionated Jenkins Docker Image

Build Status Docker Pulls Changelog Helm Chart

What's in the Box?

My Bloody Jenkins is a re-distribution of the Official LTS Jenkins Docker image bundled with most popular plugins and ability to configure most aspects of Jenkins from a simple and single source of truth represented as YAML.

The image can get the configuration from several data sources such as: File, S3, Environment Variable, HTTP, Kubernetes ConfigMap and Kubernetes Secret.

The image supports "Watching" configuration changes and applying them immediately without restarting jenkins.

The image is "Battle Proven" and serves as the base ground for several Jenkins deployments in production.


  • Configuration Coverage:
    • Security Realm (LDAP/AD/Simple Jenkins database)
    • Global Security Options
    • Authorization
    • Jenkins Clouds (Amazon ECS, Kubernetes, Docker)
    • Global Pipeline Libraries
    • Seed Jobs
    • JobDSL Scripts
    • Script approvals
    • Notifiers (Hipchat, Slack, Email, Email-Ext)
    • Credentials (aws, userpass, sshkeys, certs, kubernetes, gitlab, simple secrets)
    • Tools and installers (JDK, Ant, Maven, Gradle, SonarQube, Xvfb,Golang)
    • Misc. Plugins configuration such as Jira, SonarQube, Checkmarx, Artifactory
    • Misc. Configuration options such as Environment variables, Proxy
  • Support additional plugins installation during startup without the need to build your own image
  • Supports quiet startup period to enable docker restarts with a graceful time which Jenkins is in Quiet Mode
  • Automated Re-Configure based on configuration data change without restarts
  • Supports Dynamic Host IP configuration passed to clouds when Jenkins is running in a cluster
  • Supports dynamic envrionment variables from consul and vault using envconsul
  • Supports configuration-as-code-plugin as an alternative configuration syntax

Why Use the term "Bloody"?

The term "My Bloody Jenkins" came from the fact that I tried to put all my "battle" experience, (i.e. blood, sweat and tears) within the image. I just thought it is a "catchy" name for this kind of a repository.


A step by step demo can be found here

k8s Helm Chart

In order to deploy in k8s, A corresponding Helm Chart can be found Here

helm repo add odavid
helm install odavid/my-bloody-jenkins [-f values.yml]

Some Usage Examples


Docker Images are pushed to Docker Hub

Each release is a git tag v$LTS_VERSION-$INCREMENT where:

  • LTS_VERSION is the Jenkins LTS version
  • INCREMENT is a number representing that representing the release contents (i.e additional configuration options, bugs in configuration, plugins, etc...)

For each git tag, there following tags will be created:

  • $LTS_VERSION-$INCREMENT - one to one releationship with git tag
  • $LTS_VERSION - latest release for that LTS version
  • lts - represents the latest release

Each master commit, will be tagged as latest

# get the latest release, alpine
docker pull odavid/my-bloody-jenkins:lts
# get the latest debian release
docker pull odavid/my-bloody-jenkins:lts-debian
# get the latest jdk11 release
docker pull odavid/my-bloody-jenkins:lts-jdk11

# get the latest 2.164.1 LTS
docker pull odavid/my-bloody-jenkins:2.164.1
# get the latest 2.164.1 debian LTS
docker pull odavid/my-bloody-jenkins:2.164.1-debian
# get the latest 2.164.1 jdk11 LTS
docker pull odavid/my-bloody-jenkins:2.164.1-jdk

# get a concrete 2.164.1 release
docker pull odavid/my-bloody-jenkins:v2.164.1-109

# get the latest unstable image (alpine)
docker pull odavid/my-bloody-jenkins
# get the latest unstable debian image
docker pull odavid/my-bloody-jenkins:debian
# get the latest unstable jdk1 image
docker pull odavid/my-bloody-jenkins:jdk11

Alternate docker registry

The docker image is also published to So you can also pull it from<tag>

Environment Variables

The following Environment variables are supported

  • JENKINS_ENV_ADMIN_USER - (mandatory) Represents the name of the admin user. If LDAP is your choice of authentication, then this should be a valid LDAP user id. If Using Jenkins Database, then you also need to pass the password of this user within the configuration.

  • JAVA_OPTS_* - All JAVA_OPTS_ variables will be appended to the JAVA_OPTS during startup. Use them to control options (system properties) or memory/gc options. I am using few of them by default to tweak some known issues:

    • JAVA_OPTS_DISABLE_WIZARD - disables the Jenkins 2 startup wizard
    • JAVA_OPTS_CSP - Default content security policy for HTML Publisher/Gatling plugins - See Configuring Content Security Policy
    • JAVA_OPTS_LOAD_STATS_CLOCK - This one is sweet (: - Reducing the load stats clock enables ephemeral slaves to start immediately without waiting for suspended slaves to be reaped
  • JENKINS_ENV_CONFIG_YAML - The configuration as yaml. When this variable is set, the contents of this variable can be fetched from Consul and also be watched so jenkins can update its configuration everytime this variable is being changed. Since the contents of this variable contains secrets, it is wise to store and pass it from Consul/S3 bucket. In any case, before Jenkins starts, this variable is being unset, so it won't appear in Jenkins 'System Information' page (As I said, blood...)

  • JENKINS_ENV_CONFIG_YML_URL - A comma separated URLs that will be used to fetch the configuration and updated jenkins everytime the change. This is an alternative to JENKINS_ENV_CONFIG_YAML setup. Supported URLs:

    • s3://<s3path> - s3 path
    • file://<filepath> - a file path (should be mapped as volume) - can be a file, folder or glob expression (e.g. file:///dir/filename or file:///dir or file:///dir/*.yml)
    • http[s]://<path> - an http endpoint

Note: If multiple URLs are passed or the file url contains a dir name or a glob expression, all yaml files are being deep merged top to bottom. This behavior enables to separate the configuration into different files or override default configuration.

  • JENKINS_ENV_CONFIG_YML_URL_DISABLE_WATCH - If equals to 'true', then the configuration file will be fetched only at startup, but won't be watched. Default 'false'

  • JENKINS_ENV_CONFIG_YML_URL_POLLING - polling interval in seconds to check if file changed in s3. Default (30)

  • JENKINS_ENV_HOST_IP - When Jenkins is running behind an ELB or a reverse proxy, JNLP slaves must know about the real IP of Jenkins, so they can access the 50000 port. Usually they are using the Jenkins URL to try to get to it, so it is very important to let them know what is the original Jenkins IP Address. If the master has a static IP address, then this variable should be set with the static IP address of the host.

  • JENKINS_ENV_HOST_IP_CMD - Same as JENKINS_ENV_HOST_IP, but this time a shell command expression to fetch the IP Address. In AWS, it is useful to use the EC2 Magic IP: JENKINS_ENV_HOST_IP_CMD='curl'

  • JENKINS_HTTP_PORT_FOR_SLAVES - (Default: 8080) Used together with JENKINS_ENV_HOST_IP to construct the real jenkinsUrl for jnlp slaves.

  • JENKINS_ENV_JENKINS_URL - Define the Jenkins root URL in configuration. This can be useful when you cannot run the Jenkins master docker container with host network and you need it to be available to slaves

  • JENKINS_ENV_ADMIN_ADDRESS - Define the Jenkins admin email address

  • JENKINS_ENV_PLUGINS - Ability to define comma separated list of additional plugins to install before starting up. See plugin-version-format.

This is option is not recommended, but sometimes it is useful to run the container without creating an inherited image.

This option will disable all configuration handlers used by the image! If you still want to use builtin configuration handlers, together with dynamic JCasC snippets, please see Configuration as Code Section.

Configuration Reference

The configuration is divided into main configuration sections. Each section is responsible for a specific aspect of jenkins configuration.

Environment Variables Section

Responsible for adding global environment variables to jenkins config. Keys are environment variable names and values are their corresponding values. Note that variables names should be a valid environment variable name.


Environment variable Substitution and Remove Master Env Vars

You can use ${ENV_VAR_NAME} within the config.yml in order to use environment variables substitution for sensitive data (e.g k8s secrets). When you pass secrets environment variables to the container, Jenkins will display them in the 'System Info' page. In order to disable that beheviour, you can use remove_master_envvars section and add regular expressions for variables you don't want to show on the SystemInfo page.

Escaping ${VAR} to be used as is without substitution, is done by using \${VAR} within the yaml file

  realm: ldap
  managerDN: cn=search-user,ou=users,dc=mydomain,dc=com
  managerPassword: '${LDAP_PASSWORD}' # Use LDAP_PASSWORD environment variable

  - '.*PASS.*'
  - '.*SECRET.*'

Environment Variables Data Sources

The image supports the following data sources for environment variables:

  • Native - Environment variables that are passed to the container at startup
  • Files - By passing ENVVARS_DIRS variable to the container, selected directories can be treated as environment variable source
  • Consul - using envconsul
  • Vault - using envconsul

Environment Variables Values From Files

When using Environment Variable Substitution within the config.yml file, you can consume environment variables values directly from files contents within folders. This is useful especially when using k8s secrets volume mappings

In order to activate this feature, you need to pass ENVVARS_DIRS variable to the container with a comma separated list of directories.


Assuming you have the following files within the container:

  • /var/secret/username
  • /var/secret/password
  • /var/other-secret/ssh-key
  • /var/other-secret/api-token

Setting the following ENVVARS_DIRS environment variable as follows:


Will produce the following environment variables:

  • SECRET_USERNAME - contents of /var/secret/username
  • SECRET_PASSWORD - contents of /var/secret/password
  • OTHER_SECRET - contents of /var/other-secret/ssh-key
  • OTHER_SECRET_API_TOKEN - contents of /var/other-secret/api-token

Note that variable names are the <FOLDER_NAME>_<FILE_NAME> sanitized and uppercased

Using envconsul to Fetch Dynamic Environment Variables from Consul and Vault

When using Environment Variable Substitution within the config.yml file, you can direct the container to automatically fetch them from from consul and vault using envconsul

The following environment variables need to be provided in order to support it:

  • ENVCONSUL_CONSUL_PREFIX - Comma separated values of consul key prefixes - Mandatory if using consul to fetch information
  • CONSUL_ADDR - Consul address (host:port) - Mandatory if using consul to fetch information
  • CONSUL_TOKEN - Consul ACL Token - The token that used to be authorize the container to fetch the keys from consul - Mandatory if consul ACLs are in use
  • ENVCONSUL_VAULT_PREFIX - Comma separated values of vault key prefixes - Mandatory if using vault to fetch information
  • VAULT_ADDR - Vault address (http[s]://host:port) - Mandatory if using vault to fetch information
  • VAULT_TOKEN - Vault ACL Token - The token that used to be authorize the container to fetch the keys from vault - Mandatory
  • ENVCONSUL_UNWRAP_TOKEN - true/false (default = false), see - tells Envconsul that the provided token is actually a wrapped token that should be unwrapped using Vault's cubbyhole response wrapping
  • ENVCONSUL_MAX_RETRIES - (default = 5), How many time the envconsul will retry to fetch data
  • ENVCONSUL_ADDITIONAL_ARGS - A list of command line arguments to append to the envconsul CLI. For more details, please read the envconsul READM

The following parameters are being added to the envconsul CLI:

  • -sanitize - replaces all invalid characters to underscore
  • -upcase - All keys will become Uppercase

Due to An open Issue with envconsul and vault > 0.9.6, Only Vault versions <= 0.9.6 can be used

Security Section

Responsible for:

  • Setting up security realm
  • User/Group Permissions dict - Each key represent a user or a group and its value is a list of Jenkins Permissions IDs
    • For disable configure Matrix based Security you should add "unsecureStrategy: true" (Anyone can do anything)
# jenkins_database - adminPassword must be provided
    realm: jenkins_database
    adminPassword: S3cr3t
    # When using jenkins_database, you can also create user accounts from YAML configuration
      - id: user1
        password: passwordOf-user#1
      - id: user2
        password: other-password#2
# ldap - ldap configuration must be provided
  realm: ldap
  server: # mandatory
  rootDN: dc=mydomain,dc=com # mandatory
  managerDN: cn=search-user,ou=users,dc=mydomain,dc=com # mandatory
  managerPassword: <passowrd> # mandatory
  userSearchBase: ou=users
  userSearchFilter: uid={0}
  groupSearchBase: ou=groups
  groupSearchFilter: cn={0}
  # Only one is mandatory - depends on the group membership strategy
  # If a user record contains the groups, then we need to set the
  # groupMembershipAttribute.
  # If a group contains the users belong to it, then groupMembershipFilter
  # should be set.
  groupMembershipAttribute: group
  groupMembershipFilter: memberUid={1}
  disableMailAddressResolver: false # default = false
  connectTimeout: 5000 # default = 5000
  readTimeout: 60000 # default = 60000
  displayNameAttr: cn
  emailAttr: email
# active_directory - active_directory configuration must be provided
  realm: active_directory
    - name:
      site: optional-site
      bindName: CN=user,OU=myorg,OU=User,DC=mydoain,DC=com
      bindPassword: secret
  removeIrrelevantGroups: false
    size: 500
    ttl: 30
  startTls: false
  jenkinsInternalUser: my-none-ad-user #
# saml - saml configuration must be provided
  realm: saml
    ### See
      # Identity Provider Metadata in XML format
      xml: |-
          your saml
      # The Identity Provider metadata file source URL (not need if you have set the IdP Metadata)
      url: http://xxx.yyy
      # The period of minutes we will wait until refresh the IdP Metadata
      period: 10
    displayNameAttributeName: displayName
    groupsAttributeName: group
    maximumAuthenticationLifetime: 10
    usernameAttributeName: user
    emailAttributeName: email
    logoutUrl: http://logout
    # lowercase / uppercase / none (default)
    usernameCaseConversion: lowercase
    # urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect (Default if omitted)
    # urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST
    binding: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect
# google - google-login configuration must be provided
  realm: google
    clientId: client-id
    clientSecret: client-secret
    domain: domain
# github - github-oauth configuration must be provided
  realm: github
    clientID: client-id
    clientSecret: client-secret
    oauthScopes: read:org
# Permissions - each key represents a user/group and has list of Jenkins Permissions
  realm: ...
    authenticated: # Special group
      - hudson.model.Hudson.Read # Permission Id - see
      - hudson.model.Item.Read
      - hudson.model.Item.Discover
      - hudson.model.Item.Cancel
      - hudson.model.Item.Build
# Misc security options
    preventCSRF: true # default true
    enableScriptSecurityForDSL: false # default false
    disableRememberMe: false # default false
    sshdEnabled: true # default false, if true, port 16022 is exposed

    ## MarkupFormatter plainText
    markupFormatter: plainText

    ## MarkupFormatter safeHtml
    markupFormatter: safeHtml

    ## MarkupFormatter safeHtml with disableSyntaxHighlighting
        disableSyntaxHighlighting: true

Configuration as Code Section

The configuration_as_code yaml section enables "Mixed-Mode" configuration style. It enables embedding configuration as code snippets within the configuration yaml. This enables out of the box support for plugins configuration that do not have a builtin configuration handler.

      - cssUrl:
          url: "https://example.bogus/test.css"
      - cssText:
          text: ".testcss { color: red }"
      - jsUrl:
          url: "https://example.bogus/test.js"
      - faviconUrl:
          url: ""

Tools Section

Responsible for:

  • Setting up tools locations and auto installers

The following tools are currently supported:

  • JDK - (type: jdk)
  • Apache Ant (type: ant)
  • Apache Maven (type: maven)
  • Gradle (type: gradle)
  • Xvfb (type: xvfb)
  • SonarQube Runner (type: sonarQubeRunner)
  • Go language (type: golang)

The following auto installers are currently supported:

  • Oracle JDK installers
  • Maven/Gradle/Ant/SonarQube/Golang version installers
  • Shell command installers (type: command)
  • Remote Zip/Tar files installers (type: zip)

The tools section is a dict of tools. Each key represents a tool location/installer ID. Each tools should have either home property or a list of installers property.

Note: For Oracle JDK Downloaders to work, the oracle download user/password should be provided as well.

  oracle_jdk_download: # The oracle download user/password should be provided
    username: xxx
    password: yyy
    JDK8-u144: # The Tool ID
      type: jdk
        - id: jdk-8u144-oth-JPR # The exact oracle version id
      type: jdk
      home: /usr/java/jdk7/latest # The location of the jdk
      type: maven
      home: /usr/share/apache-maven-3.1.1
      type: maven
        - id: '3.5.0' # The exact maven version to be downloaded
      type: ant
      home: /usr/share/apache-ant-1.9.4
      type: ant
        - id: '1.10.1' # The exact ant version to be downloaded
      type: gradle
      ... # Same as the above - home/installers with id: <gradle version>
      type: sonarQubeRunner
        - id: ''
      ... # Same as the above - home/installers with id: <sonar runner version>

    # zip installer and shell command installers
      type: ant
        - type: zip
          label: centos7 # nodes labels that will use this installer
          url: http://mycompany.domain/ant/xyz/ant.tar.gz
          subdir: apache-ant-zyz # the sub directoy where the tool exists within the zip file
        - type: command
          label: centos6 # nodes labels that will use this installer
          command: /opt/install-ant-xyz
          toolHome: # the directoy on the node where the tool exists after running the command
      type: golang
        - id: '1.8'

Credentials Section

Responsible for:

  • Setting up credentials to be used later on by pipelines/tools
  • Each credential has an id, type, description and arbitary attributes according to its type
  • The following types are supported:
    • type: text - simple secret. Mandatory attributes:

      • text - the text to encrypt
    • type: file - file secret. Mandatory attributes:

      • fileName - the fileName
      • secretBytes - a base64 encoded string of the file contents.
    • type: aws - an aws secret. Mandatory attributes:

      • access_key - AWS access key
      • secret_access_key - AWS secret access key
    • type: userpass - a user/password pair. Mandatory attributes:

      • username
      • password
    • type: sshkey - an ssh private key in PEM format. Mandatory attributes:

      • username
      • privatekey - PEM format text
      • base64 - PEM format text base64 encoded. Mandatory if privatekey is not provided
      • fileOnMaster - A path that is accessible within the docker container. This option is required if privateKey or base64 are not provided. Also, this option is optimal when using Kubernetes Secrets
      • passphrase - not mandatory, but encouraged
    • type: cert - a Certificate. Mandatory attributes:

      • base64 - the PKCS12 certificate bytes base64 encoded
      • fileOnMaster - A path that is accessible within the docker container. This option is required if base64 is not provided. Also, this option is optimal when using Kubernetes Secrets
      • password - not mandatory, but encouraged
    • type: gitlab-api-token - a Gitlab API token to be used with the gitlab plugin

      • text - the api token as text

Note: Currently the configuration supports only the global credentials domain.

Dynamic Credentials

When the type attribute is not one of the above types, the configuration will try to find the right credential type and configure it using org.jenkinsci.plugins.structs.describable.DescribableModel

The logic for dealing with unknown types is as follows:

  • If the type:, then we will try to use that class name
  • If the type: simpleNameWithoutDots, then we will search all the available Credentials Descriptors and we will try to find the one that starts with the same name ignoring case

Note: When dealing with dynamic credentials, you will have to follow the @DataBoundConstructor and @DataBoundSetter rules

# Each top level key represents the credential id
    type: text
    description: The slak secret token
    text: slack-secret-token
    type: file
    description: An encrypted file with contents
    # Always base64
    secretBytes: VGhpcyBpcyBhIHBsYWluIGNvbnRlbnQK # -> 'This is a plain content' | base64
    fileName: my-secret-file
    type: aws
    access_key: xxxx
    secret_access_key: yyyy
    type: userpass
    username: user
    password: password1234
    type: gitlab-api-token
    text: <api-token-of-gitlab>
    type: sshkey
    description: git-ssh-key
    username: user
    passphrase: password1234
    privatekey: | ## This is why I love yaml... So simple to handle text with newlines
      -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
      Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
      DEK-Info: AES-128-CBC,B1615A0CA4F11333D058A5A9C4D0144E

      -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

    type: cert
    password: secret
    base64: >

Notifiers Section

Responsible for Configuration of the following notifiers:

    port: 25
    authUser: test
    autPassword: test
    replyToAddress: [email protected]
    defaultSuffix: ''
    useSsl: true
    charset: UTF-8
    teamDomain: teamDoamin
    botUser: true
    room: TestRoom
    baseUrl: http://localhost:8080/
    sendAs: JenkinsSlack
    credentialId: slack # should be defined in credentials section

Pipeline Libraries Section

Responsible for setting up Global Pipeline Libraries

Configuration is composed of dicts where each top level key is the name of the library and its value contains the library configuration (source, default version) In case the SCM Source is not git, you can use dynamic configuration based on the SCMSource class.

  my-library: # the library name
      remote: [email protected]:odavid/jenkins-docker.git
      credentialsId: gitsshkey # should be defined in credentials section
    defaultVersion: master
    implicit: false # Default false - if true the library will be available within all pipeline jobs with declaring it with @Library
    allowVersionOverride: true # Default true, better to leave it as is
    includeInChangesets: true # see

    ## retriever.scm.$class can be symbol or full class name
    ## Other properties of retriever.scm should match the class properties.
        $class: org.jenkinsci.plugins.p4.scm.GlobalLibraryScmSource
        path: //xxx/yyy
        credential: p4-creds


Script Approval Section

Responsible for configuration list of white-listed methods to be used within your pipeline groovy scripts. See Script Security

Contains list of method/field signatures that will be added to the Script Approval Console

    - field hudson.model.Queue$Item task
    - method groovy.lang.Binding getVariable java.lang.String
    - method groovy.lang.Binding getVariables
    - method groovy.lang.Binding hasVariable java.lang.String
    - method hudson.model.AbstractCIBase getQueue
    - staticMethod java.lang.Math max int int
    - staticMethod java.lang.Math max long long
    - staticMethod java.lang.Math min int int
    - staticMethod java.lang.Math min long long
    - staticMethod java.lang.Math pow double double
    - staticMethod java.lang.Math sqrt double

Clouds Section

Responsible for configuration of the following docker cloud providers:

You can define multiple clouds. Each cloud is configured as a dict. For top level key represents the cloud name. Each dict has a mandatory type attritube, and a section of templates representing slave docker templates that correspond to list of labels.

Amazon ECS

  # Top level key -> name of the cloud
    # type is mandatory
    type: ecs
    # If your jenkins master is running on EC2 and is using IAM Role, then you can
    # discard this credential, otherwise, you need to have an
    # aws credential declared in the credentials secion
    credentialsId: 'my-aws-key'
    # IAM Role to be assumed
    assumedRoleArn: 'arn-of-role-to'
    # AWS region where your ECS Cluster reside
    region: eu-west-1
    # ARN of the ECS Cluster
    cluster: 'arn:ssss'
    # Timeout (in second) for ECS task to be created, usefull if you use large docker
    # slave image, because the host will take more time to pull the docker image
    # If empty or <= 0, then 900 is the default.
    slaveTimeoutInSeconds: 0
    # List of templates
      - name: ecsSlave
        # Only JNLP slaves are supported
        image: jenkinsci/jnlp-slave:latest
        # Labels are mandatory!
        # Your pipeline jobs will need to use node(label){} in order to use
        # this slave template
          - ecs-slave
        # The directory within the container that is used as root filesystem
        remoteFs: /home/jenkins
        # Indicates whether to append a unique agent ID (the agent name) at the end of the remoteFSRoot path. false by default
        uniqueRemoteFSRoot: false
        # Platform version needs to be specified for fargate launch type. Default is LATEST
        platformVersion: LATEST
        # JVM arguments to pass to the jnlp jar
        jvmArgs: -Xmx1g
        # ECS memory reservation
        memoryReservation: 2048
        # ECS cpu reservation
        cpu: 1024
        # Volume mappings
        # If your slave need to build docker images, then map the host docker socket
        # to the container docker socket. Also make sure the user within the container
        # has privileges to that socket within the entrypoint
          - '/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock'
        # Environment variables to pass to the slave container
          XXX: xxx
        # Template Tags
          tagA: ValueA
        # an iam role arn for the task. If omitted, the EC2 instance IAM Role that runs the task will be in use
        taskrole: '<TASKROLE_ARN>'

        # See
          - type: random
          - type: spread
            field: attribute:ecs.availability-zone

        ## FARGATE Only
        launchType: FARGATE
        securityGroups: sg-123,sg-456         # comma separated security groups
        assignPublicIp: false                 # default false
        subnets: subnet-123,subnet-456        # comma separated subnet ids
        executionRole: ecsTaskExecutionRole   # by default 'ecsTaskExecutionRole' - see


  # Top level key -> name of the cloud
    ## Max connections to Kubernetes API (Default 32)
    maxRequestsPerHost: 32
    ## default is false
    directConnection: false
    ## Use WebSocket to connect agents rather than the TCP port. Default is false
    webSocket: false
    # type is mandatory
    type: kubernetes
    # Kubernetes URL
    serverUrl: http://mykubernetes
    # Default kubernetes namespace for slaves
    namespace: jenkins
    # Pod templates
      - name: kubeslave
        # Only JNLP slaves are supported
        image: jenkinsci/jnlp-slave:latest
        # Labels are mandatory!
        # Your pipeline jobs will need to use node(label){} in order to use this slave template
          - kubeslave

        # Time in minutes to retain agent when idle
        idleMinutes: 10

        # If you want to run this slave on a specific node based on k8s node labels
        nodeSelector: 'key=value'

        # runAs* must be a number
        runAsUser: 1000
        runAsUser: 1000

        # Comma delimeted numbers
        supplementalGroups: 1001,1002

        # If you want to control the agent container resources
        resourceRequestMemory: 1024Mi
        resourceRequestCpu: 512m
        resourceLimitCpu: 1024m
        resourceLimitMemory: 512Mi

        # The directory within the container that is used as root filesystem
        remoteFs: /home/jenkins
        # Volume mappings
        # If your slave need to build docker images, then map the host docker socket
        # to the container docker socket. Also make sure the user within the container
        # has privileges to that socket within the entrypoint
          - '/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock'
        # EXCLUSIVE (Default) - Only build jobs with label expressions matching this node
        # NORMAL = Use this node as much as possible
        nodeUsageMode: EXCLUSIVE
        # Environment variables to pass to the slave container
          XXX: xxx
        # Dictionary of annotations that will be added to the pod metadata
          annotation1: value1
        # Ability to define a yaml string that will be merged with the pod manifest
        yaml: |-
          spec: xxx
          metadata: yyy

Docker Cloud

  # Top level key -> name of the cloud
    # type is mandatory
    type: docker
      - name: dockerslave
        ## How many containers can run at the same time
        instanceCap: 100
        # Only JNLP slaves are supported
        image: jenkinsci/jnlp-slave:latest
        # PULL_LATEST (default) - Pull once and update latest
        # PULL_ALWAYS - Pull all images every time
        # PULL_NEVER - Never pull
        pullStrategy: PULL_LATEST
        # Labels are mandatory!
        # Your pipeline jobs will need to use node(label){} in order to use this slave template
          - dockerslave
        # The directory within the container that is used as root filesystem
        remoteFs: /home/jenkins
        # JVM arguments to pass to the jnlp jar
        jvmArgs: -Xmx1g
        # Volume mappings
        # If your slave need to build docker images, then map the host docker socket
        # to the container docker socket. Also make sure the user within the container
        # has privileges to that socket within the entrypoint
          - 'type=bind,source=/var/run/docker.sock,destination=/var/run/docker.sock'
        # Environment variables to pass to the slave container
          XXX: xxx
        # EXCLUSIVE (Default) - Only build jobs with label expressions matching this node
        # NORMAL = Use this node as much as possible
        mode: EXCLUSIVE

Seed Jobs Section

Responsible for seed job creation and execution. Each seed job would be a pipeline script that can use jobDsl pipeline step

  # Each top level key is the seed job name
      # git repo where of the seed job
      remote: [email protected]:odavid/my-bloody-jenkins.git
      credentialsId: gitsshkey
      branch: 'master'
      # scm polling trigger
      pollScm: '* * * * *'
      # period trigger
      periodic: '* * * * *'
      # Artifactory trigger
      # To use this trigger, Artifactory should be created also by using 'Artifactory' section.
        serverId: serverId #Name of Artifactory, same as created Artifactory
        path: my-repo/path/to/listen
        schedule: 'H/5 * * * *'
    # Location of the pipeline script within the repository
    pipeline: example/SeedJobPipeline.groovy
    # always - will be executed everytime the config loader will run
    # firstTimeOnly - will be executed only if the job was not exist
    # never - don't execute the job, let the triggers do their job
    executeWhen: always #firstTimeOnly always never
    # Allow concurrent builds. default - false
    concurrentBuild: false

    # Define parameters with default values to the seed job
      a_boolean_param: # the name of the param
        type: boolean
        value: true
        type: string
        value: The String default value
        type: password
        value: ThePasswordValue
        type: choice
          - choice1 ## The first choice is the default one
          - choice2
          - choice3
        type: text
        value: |
          A text with
          new lines

JobDSL Scripts Section

A "lighter" version of Seed Jobs Section. Contains a list of jobdsl scriptlets. Each script will be executed on startup without creating a dedicated job.

# Each list item will be running at startup and during update
  - |
    // Creates a folder
  - |
    // Creates a free style project
      scm {
      triggers {
          scm('H/15 * * * *')
      steps {
          maven('-e clean test')

Artifactory Section

Responsible for configuration of Artifactory Plugin

  ## Should be true
  useCredentialsPlugin: true
  ## List of artifactory servers
  - instanceId: instanceId
    platformUrl: https://artifactory1
    artifactoryUrl: https://artifactory1
    # default false
    bypassProxy: true
    # default 3
    connectionRetry: 10
    # default 300
    timeout: 200
    # use credentialsId
      credentialsId: 'cred1'
    # if omitted same as deployerCredentialsConfig
      credentialsId: 'cred2'

SonarQube Section

Responsible for setting up sonar plugin

# sonar_qube_servers - map of sonar server
  buildWrapperEnabled: true
      credentialsId: token
      webhookSecretId: webhook
      mojoVersion: 5.6
      additionalProperties: abc=abc
      additionalAnalysisProperties: x=y
        skipScmCause: true
        skipUpstreamCause: true
        envVar: ENV_VAR

Running Jenkins behind proxy

When running Jenkins behind a proxy server, add the following to your config yaml file:

  proxyHost: <proxy_address>
  port: <port>
  username: <proxy_auth> # leave empty if not required
  password: <proxy_auth> # leave empty if not required
  noProxyHost: <comma delimited>

Also, you should pass the following environment variables to the container:

  • http_proxy
  • https_proxy
  • no_proxy

Custom Config Handler

Sometimes, there is a need to have additional configuration that is not supported by this image. For that purpose, we have a custom configuration hook

In order to use this hook, you will need to create your own docker image and add the following:

  • Have /usr/share/jenkins/config-handlers/CustomConfig.groovy within your image with a single method as an entrypoint:
def setup(config){

return this
  • In the configuration yaml file, have a customConfig top level key that will be passed to the above groovy script.