Masc combines the state management of Bubble Tea with the Vecty view rendering model. The result is a library for building browser applications in Go using The Elm Architecture.
Vecty components are stateless, or, at least, agnostic about how state is managed.
Bubble Tea models are stateful, or, at least, opinionated about how state should be managed.
Masc models look just like Bubble Tea models, except that they return HTML or other components rather than strings when being rendered. This is just like vecty. The vecty rendering engine is used to update the browser.
Masc components look just like Vecty components, except the Render function
takes a func(Msg)
parameter. This function, called send
by convention, is
used to send messages to the running program to update its state.
Stateless components implement the Component interface, i.e. have a Render(func(Msg) ComponentOrHTML
Models are Components that also implement the Model interface, i.e. have Init() Cmd
and Update(Msg) (Model, Cmd)
That is, models are stateful components.
Here's a basic Hello World example.
package main
import (
func main() {
masc.SetTitle("Hello masc User!")
// Initialize a model
m := &PageView{}
pgm := masc.NewProgram(m)
_, err := pgm.Run()
if err != nil {
type ClickMsg struct{}
// PageView is our main page component.
type PageView struct {
// The model state is the number of clicks
clicks int
func (p *PageView) Init() masc.Cmd {
return nil
// PageView is a masc.Model; it has Init and Update functions
func (p *PageView) Update(msg masc.Msg) (masc.Model, masc.Cmd) {
switch msg.(type) {
case ClickMsg:
// Update the model state when we get a click message
return p, nil
func (p *PageView) Render(send func(masc.Msg)) masc.ComponentOrHTML {
return elem.Body(
event.Click(func(_ *masc.Event) {
// Send a click message upon the click event
masc.Text("Hello masc User"+strings.Repeat("!", p.clicks)),
Additional examples, including a todo app, are in the example directory. These can be run using wasmserve.