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Text Recognition RNN

Philipp Zumstein edited this page Apr 25, 2017 · 2 revisions

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The command ocropus-rpred will recognize the text from images of single lines with a RNN.

ocropus-rpred [add here possible options] <input files>

Input Files



  -m MODEL, --model MODEL
                        line recognition model
  -p PAD, --pad PAD     extra blank padding to the left and right of text line
  -N, --nonormalize     don't normalize the textual output from the recognizer
  --llocs               output LSTM locations for characters
  --alocs               output aligned LSTM locations for characters
  --probabilities       output probabilities for each letter

Line normalization (dewarping)

By default a line normalizer is used to dewarp the single lines before the actual recognition:

before-dewarp after-dewarp

The dewarping of the text line (first image) tries to find the center (blue curve) and then cut out slices with some fixed radius around the center (cf. this illustration). This will then assure that the center line is horizontally and thereby the text line dewarped.

The default behavior can be influence by these two parameters:

  -e, --nolineest       deactivate the text normalizer and therefore the dewarping
  -l HEIGHT, --height HEIGHT
                        overrides the target line height, which is 48

These parameters make only sense if the model is also trained under the same conditions and usually there is no need to use them at all.

Error Measures

  -r, --estrate         estimate error rate only
  -c ESTCONF, --estconf ESTCONF
                        estimate confusion matrix
  -C COMPARE, --compare COMPARE
                        string comparison used for error rate estimate
  --context CONTEXT     context for error reporting

Debugging, Help

  -s SHOW, --show SHOW  if >0, shows recognition output in a window and waits
                        this many seconds
  -S SAVE, --save SAVE  save debugging output image as PNG (for bug reporting)
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n, --nocheck         disable error checking on inputs
  -q, --quiet           turn off most output
  -Q PARALLEL, --parallel PARALLEL
                        number of parallel processes to use, default: 1