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6th June 2017 session: log page

Gabriel Scherer edited this page Jun 8, 2017 · 3 revisions

The 6th June hackaton happened on June 6th, organized by Gabriel Scherer, Thomas Bourgeat and Clément Pit-Claudel. A bunch of people met at MIT in Cambridge (MA, UK), and some other people participated from other locations -- plus the generally helpful folks on the #ocaml IRC channel that were implicitly participating.

Activity log

  • gasche -- worked on the OCaml manual examples MPR#7551, resulted in a feature request implemented by Octachron in GPR#1194, but the original issue still stands
  • pirbo -- MPR#7255: polymorphic install_printer in ocamdebug (was a feature/bugfix request from jfeser also participating)
  • bthom -- testing the RISC-V backend (very preliminary hacking towards a cross-compiler setup)
  • jfeser -- working on debugger printing (porting MPR#6792 to the current trunk and testing it)
  • JSmith-BitFlipper -- TBD
  • jar -- hello werld
  • dudelson [out to dinner] -- continue work on my GSoC project
  • eaubin -- pretty printer tweaks
  • yomimono -- reading rewrite pr lwt#3354
  • cpitclaudel -- Looking at js_of_ocaml, see mailing-list question on webworkers
  • persianturtle (persianturtle at gmail) -- Experimenting with bucklescript / Reason
  • henrytill -- some ocamlbuild documentation tweaks (adding example, looking at #217), resulted in ocamlbuild#239
  • mpwd -- working on ocamlbuild examples, see ocamlbuild#238
  • cobbal -- looking around
  • phink -- looking at with-pattern proposal and studying alternatives
  • objmagic -- compile compiler of OCaml with new language feature into js to prepare a IOCaml notebook