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Dev meeting 2020 09 03

Jon Ludlam edited this page Sep 3, 2020 · 6 revisions


  • @jonludlam
  • @octachron
  • @Julow
  • @avsm
  • @lpw25
  • @drup

Previous actions

  • @jonludlam to find out status of dune build @doc supporting external libs -- Not done

  • @jonludlam to post on discuss about plans for replacing ocamldoc plugins -- Not done


OCaml 2020 Workshop

  • questions about drivers (e.g. odig), math support, writing new backend drivers
  • BAP would be a good test subject (still using oasis!)
  • @avsm: code-spaces on github is great - and vscode has a great documentation browser - can use when we've got it? @jonludlam: tricky if we've not got the same universe @avsm: perhaps build locally? @lpw25: doesn't this overlap with dune's distributed cache? @avsm: problems with thread model there.

@avsm: John Whittington is helping with - and might be able to help doing javascript toplevel stuff for pure ocaml libraries.

Ongoing work

  • Parent/child design @jonludlam wrote up the will be posted somewhere and linked to from the issue. @lpw25 and @drup had a look and said it looks OK. Draft is here: Document Tree Model.

  • Modifications for OCaml 2020 talk - minor bugfixes to do with 'is_hidden' PR incoming.

  • Removing 'expansions' from modules/module types In order to address the issue JS had when running on hardcaml, where references in functor arguments were being resolved multiple times. Also helps with the document layer, where it doesn't have to recurse down both the expansion and the ModuleType.expr to render. Previously suggested by @drup on discord.

@lpw25: hardcaml is now public, so the fix can be tested directly.

  • Switch to ocaml-ci Travis broke some time back, and rather than fix it we've decided to switch to ocaml-ci. Unfortunately there is an issue due to the semi-circular dependency between mdx and odoc - mdx requires odoc to build, and odoc requires mdx to test. This can be expressed in the opam file by using of 'post' in the dependencies, but ocaml-ci doesn't currently support that. @Julow is working on the fix.

@avsm asked if there is a GH issue, and @Julow answered that there isn't, he's just going to make a PR. The solver doesn't need any fixes itself, but it will require two passes.


@lpw25: Jane street has a duniverse now! @avsm: deprecation is an issue for BAP for moving from oasis. The reference driver ought to have an example of how this might be handled.

@avsm: Suggested integration test suites:

  • odig for
  • dune build @doc for JS duniverse
  • reference driver for ocaml standard library

@jonludlam: Fixed an issue with Map/Set not being expanded in base docs by turning functor arguments into unconditionally resolved paths. What's the reasoning behind allowing them to be unresolved? @lpw25: For robustness - most of the time the results of a functor application don't depend upon the argument, so allowing it to fail to be resolved means we are more robust to failures there. @jonludlam: I'll make it required for now, with a GH issue to track that it's something we'd like to allow again.

Next meeting:

2020-09-17 at 10am UK time