Refuse is a compatibility layer between React and React-Native. It bridges the gap between DOM elements and View layers by supplying custom components that work identically between React and Native. By restricting yourself to the components that Refuse exposes you can share the components that you write between React (web) and React-Native (mobile).
The refuse components are released in the public npm registry and can be installed by running the following npm command.
npm install --save refuse
The --save
instructs npm to automatically the installed version to your
The following components are available in refuse. Click on the component names to learn more about how to use the component and which API methods and properties are available.
- Image Images and background images.
- Interact Create a click/touchable region which can trigger a specific events (action).
- Layer General component to compose different views or layouts.
The biggest challenge when creating a compatibility layer between Mobile and Web is
the different events and their names that are used for interaction. In refuse we've
decided to remove all touch
and mouse
prefixes of the event names and follow
the pointer events naming convention where it made sense. These event names can be
introduced on components that use interaction. So without further ado:
import { Interact, Layer, Component, Text } from 'refuse';
export default class Button extends Component {
constructor(props) {
render() => {(
<Interact press={}>
<Image src={this.props.icon} width=20 height=20 />