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Merge pull request #193 from objectionary/192-fix-metrics
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Fix metrics
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fizruk authored Mar 20, 2024
2 parents edda70b + b37cdc1 commit 54b4d0b
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Showing 14 changed files with 425 additions and 147 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .hlint.yaml
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Expand Up @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
# - ignore: {name: Use const, within: SpecialModule} # Only within certain modules
- ignore:
name: Unused LANGUAGE pragma
within: Language.EO.Phi.Metrics.Collect
within: Language.EO.Phi.Metrics

# Define some custom infix operators
# - fixity: infixr 3 ~^#^~
Expand Down
50 changes: 44 additions & 6 deletions eo-phi-normalizer/app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,13 +22,16 @@ import Data.Foldable (forM_)
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON)
import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty (Config (..), Indent (..), defConfig, encodePrettyToTextBuilder')
import Data.String.Interpolate (i)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.String.Interpolate (i, iii)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Internal.Builder (toLazyText)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Lens
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Language.EO.Phi (Bytes (Bytes), Object (Formation), Program (Program), parseProgram, printTree)
import Language.EO.Phi.Dataize (dataizeRecursively, dataizeStep)
import Language.EO.Phi.Metrics.Collect (collectMetrics)
import Language.EO.Phi.Metrics (getProgramMetrics)
import Language.EO.Phi.Rules.Common (ApplicationLimits (ApplicationLimits), applyRulesChainWith, applyRulesWith, defaultContext, objectSize)
import Language.EO.Phi.Rules.Yaml (RuleSet (rules, title), convertRule, parseRuleSetFromFile)
import Options.Applicative
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,6 +61,7 @@ data CLI'DataizePhi = CLI'DataizePhi
data CLI'MetricsPhi = CLI'MetricsPhi
{ inputFile :: Maybe FilePath
, outputFile :: Maybe FilePath
, programPath :: Maybe String
deriving (Show)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,6 +98,21 @@ cliTransformPhiParser = do
inputFile <- inputFileArg
pure CLI'TransformPhi{..}

programPathOption :: Parser (Maybe String)
programPathOption =
optional $
( long "bindings-by-path"
<> short 'b'
<> metavar "PATH"
<> help
Report metrics for bindings of a formation accessible in a program by a PATH.
The default PATH is empty.
Example of a PATH: 'org.eolang'.

cliDataizePhiParser :: Parser CLI'DataizePhi
cliDataizePhiParser = do
rulesPath <- strOption (long "rules" <> short 'r' <> help [i|#{fileMetavarName} with user-defined rules. Must be specified.|] <> fileMetavar)
Expand All @@ -106,6 +125,7 @@ cliMetricsPhiParser :: Parser CLI'MetricsPhi
cliMetricsPhiParser = do
inputFile <- inputFileArg
outputFile <- outputFileOption
programPath <- programPathOption
pure CLI'MetricsPhi{..}

metricsParserInfo :: ParserInfo CLI
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -161,7 +181,7 @@ getProgram :: Optparse.Context -> Maybe FilePath -> IO Program
getProgram parserContext inputFile = do
src <- maybe getContents' readFile inputFile
case parseProgram src of
Left err -> die parserContext [i|"An error occurred when parsing the input program: #{err}|]
Left err -> die parserContext [i|An error occurred when parsing the input program: #{err}|]
Right program -> pure program

getLoggers :: Maybe FilePath -> IO (String -> IO (), String -> IO ())
Expand All @@ -172,6 +192,14 @@ getLoggers outputFile = do
, \x -> hPutStr handle x >> hFlush handle

-- >>> splitStringOn "." "abra.cada.bra"
-- ["abra","cada","bra"]
-- >>> splitStringOn "." ""
-- []
splitStringOn :: String -> String -> [String]
splitStringOn sep s = filter (not . null) $ T.unpack <$> T.splitOn (T.pack sep) (T.pack s)

main :: IO ()
main = do
opts <- customExecParser pprefs cliOpts
Expand All @@ -181,10 +209,20 @@ main = do
case opts of
CLI'MetricsPhi' CLI'MetricsPhi{..} -> do
let parserContext = Optparse.Context metricsCommandName metricsParserInfo
program' <- getProgram parserContext inputFile
program <- getProgram parserContext inputFile
(logStrLn, _) <- getLoggers outputFile
let metrics = collectMetrics program'
logStrLn $ encodeToJSONString metrics
let path = splitStringOn "." (fromMaybe "" programPath)
metrics = getProgramMetrics path program
case metrics of
Left path' ->
Could not find bindings at path '#{intercalate "." path}'
because an object at '#{intercalate "." path'}' is not a formation.
Right metrics' -> do
logStrLn $ encodeToJSONString metrics'
CLI'TransformPhi' CLI'TransformPhi{..} -> do
let parserContext = Optparse.Context transformCommandName transformParserInfo
program' <- getProgram parserContext inputFile
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion eo-phi-normalizer/eo-phi-normalizer.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ library
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254 changes: 254 additions & 0 deletions eo-phi-normalizer/src/Language/EO/Phi/Metrics.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module Language.EO.Phi.Metrics where

import Control.Lens ((+=))
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Control.Monad.State (State, execState, runState)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON)
import Data.Aeson.Types (ToJSON)
import Data.Generics.Labels ()
import Data.Traversable (forM)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Language.EO.Phi.Rules.Common ()
import Language.EO.Phi.Syntax.Abs

data Metrics = Metrics
{ dataless :: Int
, applications :: Int
, formations :: Int
, dispatches :: Int
deriving (Generic, Show, FromJSON, ToJSON, Eq)

defaultMetrics :: Metrics
defaultMetrics =
{ dataless = 0
, applications = 0
, formations = 0
, dispatches = 0

instance Semigroup Metrics where
(<>) :: Metrics -> Metrics -> Metrics
x <> y =
{ dataless = x.dataless + y.dataless
, applications = x.applications + y.applications
, formations = x.formations + y.formations
, dispatches = x.dispatches + y.dispatches

instance Monoid Metrics where
mempty :: Metrics
mempty = defaultMetrics

data BindingMetrics = BindingMetrics
{ name :: String
, metrics :: Metrics
deriving (Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON, Eq)

count :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Int
count x = length . filter x

getHeight :: [Binding] -> [Int] -> Int
getHeight bindings heights
| hasDeltaBinding = 1
| otherwise = heightAttributes
heightAttributes =
case heights of
[] -> 0
_ -> minimum heights + 1
hasDeltaBinding = not $ null [undefined | DeltaBinding _ <- bindings]

countDataless :: Int -> Int
countDataless x
| x == 0 || x > 2 = 1
| otherwise = 0

class Inspectable a where
inspect :: a -> State Metrics Int

instance Inspectable Binding where
inspect :: Binding -> State Metrics Int
inspect = \case
AlphaBinding _ obj -> do
inspect obj
_ -> pure 0

instance Inspectable Object where
inspect :: Object -> State Metrics Int
inspect = \case
Formation bindings -> do
#formations += 1
heights <- forM bindings inspect
let height = getHeight bindings heights
#dataless += countDataless height
pure height
Application obj bindings -> do
#applications += 1
_ <- inspect obj
forM_ bindings inspect
pure 0
ObjectDispatch obj _ -> do
#dispatches += 1
_ <- inspect obj
pure 0
_ -> pure 0

type Path = [String]

data BindingsByPathMetrics = BindingsByPathMetrics
{ path :: Path
, bindingsMetrics :: [BindingMetrics]
deriving (Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON, Eq)

data ObjectMetrics = ObjectMetrics
{ bindingsByPathMetrics :: BindingsByPathMetrics
, thisObjectMetrics :: Metrics
deriving (Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON, Eq)

-- | Get metrics for an object
-- >>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ α0 ↦ ξ, α0 ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bytes( Δ ⤍ 00- ) ⟧"
-- Metrics {dataless = 0, applications = 1, formations = 1, dispatches = 3}
-- >>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ α0 ↦ ξ, Δ ⤍ 00- ⟧"
-- Metrics {dataless = 0, applications = 0, formations = 1, dispatches = 0}
-- >>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ α0 ↦ ξ, α1 ↦ ⟦ Δ ⤍ 00- ⟧ ⟧"
-- Metrics {dataless = 0, applications = 0, formations = 2, dispatches = 0}
-- >>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ α0 ↦ ξ, α1 ↦ ⟦ α2 ↦ ⟦ Δ ⤍ 00- ⟧ ⟧ ⟧"
-- Metrics {dataless = 0, applications = 0, formations = 3, dispatches = 0}
-- >>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ Δ ⤍ 00- ⟧"
-- Metrics {dataless = 0, applications = 0, formations = 1, dispatches = 0}
-- >>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ α0 ↦ ⟦ α0 ↦ ∅ ⟧ ⟧"
-- Metrics {dataless = 0, applications = 0, formations = 2, dispatches = 0}
-- >>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ α0 ↦ ⟦ α0 ↦ ⟦ α0 ↦ ∅ ⟧ ⟧ ⟧"
-- Metrics {dataless = 1, applications = 0, formations = 3, dispatches = 0}
-- >>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ α0 ↦ ⟦ α0 ↦ ⟦ α0 ↦ ⟦ α0 ↦ ∅ ⟧ ⟧ ⟧ ⟧"
-- Metrics {dataless = 2, applications = 0, formations = 4, dispatches = 0}
-- >>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ org ↦ ⟦ ⟧ ⟧"
-- Metrics {dataless = 1, applications = 0, formations = 2, dispatches = 0}
-- >>> getThisObjectMetrics "⟦ a ↦ ⟦ b ↦ ⟦ c ↦ ∅, d ↦ ⟦ φ ↦ ξ.ρ.c ⟧ ⟧, e ↦ ξ.b(c ↦ ⟦⟧).d ⟧.e ⟧"
-- Metrics {dataless = 1, applications = 1, formations = 5, dispatches = 5}
getThisObjectMetrics :: Object -> Metrics
getThisObjectMetrics obj = execState (inspect obj) mempty

-- | Get an object by a path within a given object.
-- If no object is accessible by the path, return a prefix of the path that led to a non-formation when the remaining path wasn't empty.
-- >>> getObjectByPath ["org", "eolang"] "⟦ org ↦ ⟦ eolang ↦ ⟦ x ↦ ⟦ φ ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bool ( α0 ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bytes (Δ ⤍ 01-) ) ⟧, z ↦ ⟦ y ↦ ⟦ x ↦ ∅, φ ↦ ξ.x ⟧, φ ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bool ( α0 ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bytes (Δ ⤍ 01-) ) ⟧, λ ⤍ Package ⟧, λ ⤍ Package ⟧⟧"
-- Right (Formation [AlphaBinding (Label (LabelId "x")) (Formation [AlphaBinding Phi (Application (ObjectDispatch (ObjectDispatch (ObjectDispatch GlobalObject (Label (LabelId "org"))) (Label (LabelId "eolang"))) (Label (LabelId "bool"))) [AlphaBinding (Alpha (AlphaIndex "\945\&0")) (Application (ObjectDispatch (ObjectDispatch (ObjectDispatch GlobalObject (Label (LabelId "org"))) (Label (LabelId "eolang"))) (Label (LabelId "bytes"))) [DeltaBinding (Bytes "01-")])])]),AlphaBinding (Label (LabelId "z")) (Formation [AlphaBinding (Label (LabelId "y")) (Formation [EmptyBinding (Label (LabelId "x")),AlphaBinding Phi (ObjectDispatch ThisObject (Label (LabelId "x")))]),AlphaBinding Phi (Application (ObjectDispatch (ObjectDispatch (ObjectDispatch GlobalObject (Label (LabelId "org"))) (Label (LabelId "eolang"))) (Label (LabelId "bool"))) [AlphaBinding (Alpha (AlphaIndex "\945\&0")) (Application (ObjectDispatch (ObjectDispatch (ObjectDispatch GlobalObject (Label (LabelId "org"))) (Label (LabelId "eolang"))) (Label (LabelId "bytes"))) [DeltaBinding (Bytes "01-")])])]),LambdaBinding (Function "Package")])
-- >>> getObjectByPath ["a"] "⟦ a ↦ ⟦ b ↦ ⟦ c ↦ ∅, d ↦ ⟦ φ ↦ ξ.ρ.c ⟧ ⟧, e ↦ ξ.b(c ↦ ⟦⟧).d ⟧.e ⟧"
-- Right (ObjectDispatch (Formation [AlphaBinding (Label (LabelId "b")) (Formation [EmptyBinding (Label (LabelId "c")),AlphaBinding (Label (LabelId "d")) (Formation [AlphaBinding Phi (ObjectDispatch (ObjectDispatch ThisObject Rho) (Label (LabelId "c")))])]),AlphaBinding (Label (LabelId "e")) (ObjectDispatch (Application (ObjectDispatch ThisObject (Label (LabelId "b"))) [AlphaBinding (Label (LabelId "c")) (Formation [])]) (Label (LabelId "d")))]) (Label (LabelId "e")))
getObjectByPath :: Path -> Object -> Either Path Object
getObjectByPath path object =
case path of
[] -> Right object
(p : ps) ->
case object of
Formation bindings ->
case objectByPath' of
[] -> Left path
(x : _) -> Right x
objectByPath' =
x <- bindings
Right obj <-
case x of
AlphaBinding (Alpha (AlphaIndex name)) obj | name == p -> [getObjectByPath ps obj]
AlphaBinding (Label (LabelId name)) obj | name == p -> [getObjectByPath ps obj]
_ -> [Left path]
pure obj
_ -> Left path

-- | Get metrics for bindings of a formation that is accessible by a path within a given object.
-- If no formation is accessible by the path, return a prefix of the path that led to a non-formation when the remaining path wasn't empty.
-- >>> getBindingsByPathMetrics ["a"] "⟦ a ↦ ⟦ b ↦ ⟦ c ↦ ∅, d ↦ ⟦ φ ↦ ξ.ρ.c ⟧ ⟧, e ↦ ξ.b(c ↦ ⟦⟧).d ⟧.e ⟧"
-- Left ["a"]
-- >>> getBindingsByPathMetrics ["a"] "⟦ a ↦ ⟦ b ↦ ⟦ c ↦ ∅, d ↦ ⟦ φ ↦ ξ.ρ.c ⟧ ⟧, e ↦ ξ.b(c ↦ ⟦⟧).d ⟧ ⟧"
-- Right (BindingsByPathMetrics {path = ["a"], bindingsMetrics = [BindingMetrics {name = "b", metrics = Metrics {dataless = 0, applications = 0, formations = 2, dispatches = 2}},BindingMetrics {name = "e", metrics = Metrics {dataless = 1, applications = 1, formations = 1, dispatches = 2}}]})
getBindingsByPathMetrics :: Path -> Object -> Either Path BindingsByPathMetrics
getBindingsByPathMetrics path obj =
case getObjectByPath path obj of
Right (Formation bindings) ->
let attributes' = flip runState mempty . inspect <$> bindings
(_, objectMetrics) = unzip attributes'
bindingsMetrics = do
x <- zip bindings objectMetrics
case x of
(AlphaBinding (Alpha (AlphaIndex name)) _, metrics) -> [BindingMetrics{..}]
(AlphaBinding (Label (LabelId name)) _, metrics) -> [BindingMetrics{..}]
_ -> []
in Right $ BindingsByPathMetrics{..}
Right _ -> Left path
Left path' -> Left path'

-- | Get metrics for an object and for bindings of a formation accessible by a given path.
-- Combine metrics produced by 'getThisObjectMetrics' and 'getBindingsByPathMetrics'.
-- If no formation is accessible by the path, return a prefix of the path that led to a non-formation when the remaining path wasn't empty.
-- >>> getObjectMetrics ["a"] "⟦ a ↦ ⟦ b ↦ ⟦ c ↦ ∅, d ↦ ⟦ φ ↦ ξ.ρ.c ⟧ ⟧, e ↦ ξ.b(c ↦ ⟦⟧).d ⟧.e ⟧"
-- Left ["a"]
-- >>> getObjectMetrics ["a"] "⟦ a ↦ ⟦ b ↦ ⟦ c ↦ ∅, d ↦ ⟦ φ ↦ ξ.ρ.c ⟧ ⟧, e ↦ ξ.b(c ↦ ⟦⟧).d ⟧ ⟧"
-- Right (ObjectMetrics {bindingsByPathMetrics = BindingsByPathMetrics {path = ["a"], bindingsMetrics = [BindingMetrics {name = "b", metrics = Metrics {dataless = 0, applications = 0, formations = 2, dispatches = 2}},BindingMetrics {name = "e", metrics = Metrics {dataless = 1, applications = 1, formations = 1, dispatches = 2}}]}, thisObjectMetrics = Metrics {dataless = 1, applications = 1, formations = 5, dispatches = 4}})
getObjectMetrics :: Path -> Object -> Either Path ObjectMetrics
getObjectMetrics path obj = do
let thisObjectMetrics = getThisObjectMetrics obj
bindingsByPathMetrics <- getBindingsByPathMetrics path obj
pure ObjectMetrics{..}

data ProgramMetrics = ProgramMetrics
{ bindingsByPathMetrics :: BindingsByPathMetrics
, programMetrics :: Metrics
deriving (Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON, Eq)

-- | Get metrics for a program and for bindings of a formation accessible by a given path.
-- Combine metrics produced by 'getThisObjectMetrics' and 'getBindingsByPathMetrics'.
-- >>> getProgramMetrics ["org", "eolang"] "{⟦ org ↦ ⟦ eolang ↦ ⟦ x ↦ ⟦ φ ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bool ( α0 ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bytes (Δ ⤍ 01-) ) ⟧, z ↦ ⟦ y ↦ ⟦ x ↦ ∅, φ ↦ ξ.x ⟧, φ ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bool ( α0 ↦ Φ.org.eolang.bytes (Δ ⤍ 01-) ) ⟧, λ ⤍ Package ⟧, λ ⤍ Package ⟧⟧ }"
-- Right (ProgramMetrics {bindingsByPathMetrics = BindingsByPathMetrics {path = ["org","eolang"], bindingsMetrics = [BindingMetrics {name = "x", metrics = Metrics {dataless = 0, applications = 2, formations = 1, dispatches = 6}},BindingMetrics {name = "z", metrics = Metrics {dataless = 0, applications = 2, formations = 2, dispatches = 7}}]}, programMetrics = Metrics {dataless = 0, applications = 4, formations = 6, dispatches = 13}})
-- If no formation is accessible by the path, return a prefix of the path that led to a non-formation when the remaining path wasn't empty.
-- >>> getProgramMetrics ["a"] "{⟦ a ↦ ⟦ b ↦ ⟦ c ↦ ∅, d ↦ ⟦ φ ↦ ξ.ρ.c ⟧ ⟧, e ↦ ξ.b(c ↦ ⟦⟧).d ⟧.e ⟧}"
-- Left ["a"]
getProgramMetrics :: Path -> Program -> Either Path ProgramMetrics
getProgramMetrics path (Program bindings) = do
ObjectMetrics{..} <- getObjectMetrics path (Formation bindings)
pure ProgramMetrics{programMetrics = thisObjectMetrics, ..}

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