The "Code Helpers" project is a toolkit designed to facilitate code writing by providing useful snippets, formatting rules, and commands for convenient development.
- Pass the notification in the following way:
{error && <Notification errorResponse={{ message: error }} />}
- Format:
- SCSS Code Rules Use a mixin for fonts:
@include font(16, 16, 400, цвет);
- Request Code Rules. For HTTP requests, use only the axios library. Example of a basic API:
import { get, post, put, del } from 'src/api/baseApi';
Additional Rules
For the grid, use the mixin: @include flexbox(); For margins, use the mixin: @include pxToRem(16); Check files for compliance with the style: yarn check-format || yarn format
IMPORTANT: No need to import React and others anymore; it's configured in Webpack to be loaded automatically.
- For hooks, import from here:
import { useState, useEffect, useRef, useMemo, useCallback, useReducer, useContext } from 'preact/hooks';
- For other functions, import from here:
import { memo, Fragment, createPortal, forwardRef, Children } from 'preact/compat';
- For fonts, use the mixin:
@include font(16, 16, 400, цвет)
- Use only axios
базовый апи src/api/baseApi (используем необходимый метод)
- For the grid, use the mixin:
@include flexbox();
- For margins, use the mixin:
@include pxToRem(16);
- Check files for compliance with the style:
yarn check-format || yarn format
yarn prettier # Automatically formats files with the extensions .js and .jsx according to the configuration .prettierrc.json.
yarn lint # Runs ESLint to check the code in the src/ directory. The --debug flag allows displaying additional debugging information.
yarn lint:write # Uses ESLint to check the code in the src/ directory, but with the --fix flag, which automatically fixes simple issues.
yarn format # Sequentially runs Prettier, then ESLint for files with the extensions .js and .jsx, and then Stylelint for SCSS files to automatically fix them.
yarn check-format # Performs a formatting check (without fixes) for files with the extensions .js and .jsx, and then checks the style using ESLint and Stylelint with the --quiet flag to avoid unnecessary output.
yarn pre-commit # Runs lint-staged (a command to check only changed files) and then tests before committing and before pushing changes to the repository.
lsof -i :3000 # Find out the port and reset it via kill -9.
build/ # Build folder (result of work on the project)
src/ # Source files
assets/ # Fonts, Mixins, Style container
component/ # Components
elements/ # Elements like input, dropdown, Switcher, etc.
pages/ # Project pages
store/ # Redux utility files
shared/ # Functions and utilities
public/ # Source files
img/ # Images shared across all blocks
js/ # Common js files, including the webpack build entry point and shared modules