Website for open Summer of code 2015
-- It's a clone of an early version of the oSoc14 website. For more up to date features, steal from
Make sure bower is installed
npm install -g bower
Go to root folder of project in CLI
Run following command:
bower update
This should install the jQuery, Modernizr and FontAwesome packages
bundle install
This will install to ruby dependencies
compass watch
Watches your files and compiles them
Everything should now be into place to upload the site.
Currently, the JSON LD only contains the mother Event of oSoc15, spanning the entire duration. As soon as we have more information, we should add the subEvents for every day.
"@context" : "",
"@type" : "Event",
"name" : "Open Summer of code 2015",
"startDate" : "2014-07-06T09:00",
"endDate" : "2014-07-31T17:00",
"organizer" : {
"@id" : "",
"@type": "Organization",
"name": "Open Knowledge Belgium",
"url" : ""
"location" : {
"@type" : "Place",
"name" : "TBA",
"address" : "TBA"
"image" : ""
This part of the code can just be added after the "image" : ".../logo.png" line, seperated by a comma. It would also be nice to use URIs for the locations once they are defined.
"subEvent" : [{
"@type" : "Event",
"name" : "Introduction",
"startDate" : "2014-07-06T09:30",
"endDate" : "2014-07-06T10:30",
"organizer" : { "@id": ""},
"location" : {
"@type" : "Place",
"name" : "TBA",
"address" : "TBA"
"@type" : "Event",
"name" : "Project assignment",
"startDate" : "2014-07-06T11:00",
"endDate" : "2014-07-06T12:00",
"organizer" :{ "@id": ""},
"location" : {
"@type" : "Place",
"name" : "TBA",
"address" : "TBA"