PyWeather 0.3 beta (The Setup Update)
Pre-releasePyWeather 0.3 beta is NOT defunct. It blew past me that 0.3 was the SETUP UPDATE, and 0.3.1 is the UPDATER UPDATE. Sorry for the confusion.
No one asked, and I delivered. PyWeather is now 1000x easier to set up, so you can all enjoy PyWeather! Here's what's new in 0.3 beta:
- Adds a setup script that guides new users through the setup process
- Switches the geolocator from Nominatim to Google's geolocator (this should help in getting more accurate locations)
Now, when setting up PyWeather, all you need to do is run, located in the main directory. The setup script will walk you through the entire setup, in >5 minutes.
To update on Linux through Git, in your existing PyWeather directory, run these commands:
git fetch
git pull
Oh, and PyWeather Setup was tested on a clean Debian 8.7 system, and it worked perfectly, from installing PIP to the libraries.
If you see any bugs (as PyWeather is still in beta), reporting them is the right thing to do. Your contributions will most likely be eternally thanked.
Enjoy 0.3, and I'll be sure to add some extra snazzy features in 0.3.1!