- Collection of configuration for guard.nvim
- Feel free to open PRs! By adding your favourite dev tool, you are helping others that need it. You may find this documentation helpful.
- Items with checkbox unchecked are supported but don't have a test yet. (help wanted!)
- autopep8
- black
- biome
- cbfmt
- clang-format
- csharpier
- dart
- djhtml
- docformatter
- dprint
- eslint_d
- fish_indent
- fnlfmt
- gofmt
- gofumpt
- goimports
- golines
- google-java-format
- isort
- jq
- ktlint
- ktfmt
- latexindent
- mdformat
- mixformat
- nixfmt
- npm_groovy_lint as
npm-groovy-lint --format
- npm_groovy_lint_fix as
npm-groovy-lint --fix
- ormolu
- pg_format
- prettier
- prettierd
- rubocop
- rustfmt
- taplo
- shfmt
- stylua
- swiftformat
- swift-format
- sqlfluff as
sqlfluff format
- sqlfluff_fix as
sqlfluff fix
- sql-formatter
- yapf
- ruff as
ruff format
- ruff_fix as
ruff --fix
- xmllint
- yamlfix
- yamlfmt
- zigfmt