A site to help people coordinate services during the OWS movements.
Folks should be able to tweet that they need (@occupycanhas) or have (@occupyhas) things for use.
Use cases detailed below:
sez: @OccupyCanHas we need a #tent down here in #seattle #westlake
(adds to map)
sez: I dropped a #tent to @willowbl00 via @OccupyHas.
(removes from map)
Here's some requests:
- geotag themselves when safe and possible
- don't split tweets - follow up with more info if necessary, but include all meta in one
- include @OccupyHas for things they need
- include @OccupyCanHas for things they can provide
- include twitter handle of person who requested when responding to a request
- use appropriate hash tags
- city or city abbreviation (it'll be up to us to include "#occupy AND #seattle" or "#occupyseattle" or "@occupyseattle" or "#ows #sea") or just request people be clear.
- needs tags can be #shelter #warmth #food #water #medical #legal #media #backup - further detail should be in the tweet itself, but those will have graphics
- Data Store is in Couch DB hosted on iriscouch : http://occupycanhas.iriscouch.com/_utils/
- Twitter addresses pertinent to the site: @occupycanhas @occupyhas