A repository for testing display model code in NVDA. It contains several projects to build applications based on historically popular GUI APIs.
- mfcTest: an MFC app.
- GDItest: WinForms with Custom GDI code.
- RawGDI: A win32 desktop app, with GDI code.
In addition to the build requiremets for NVDA, also install:
- component: "C++ MFC for latest v142 build tools (x86 & x64)"
- ".Net desktop development"
Or import from the 'dependencies.vsconfig'
Open TestDisplayModel.sln with Visual Studio, and Build All
A C# winforms application with a custom paint method.
A Win 32 C++ desktop application that uses GDI directly. See doPaint in RawGDI.cpp
Note to those unfamilar with MFC:
- In this repo, dialog layout is stored in *.rc files.
- Although text based editing is possible, they are re-written (and re-ordered) by designer tool.
- Git treats these as binary files.
- The can be diffed by external (to git) diff tools, but due to re-ordering this can be difficult.
- To diff these files, it may be easiest to copy and diff sections of the file individually.