FastClick is a simple, easy-to-use library for eliminating the 300ms delay between a physical tap and the firing of a click
event on mobile browsers. The aim is to make your application feel less laggy and more responsive while avoiding any interference with your current logic.
FastClick is developed by FT Labs, part of the Financial Times.
注意: 到2015年底,大多数移动浏览器 尤其是Chrome和Safari 不再有300ms的触摸延迟,因此fastclick对较新的浏览器没有任何好处,并且有可能在应用程序中引入bugs。仔细考虑是否真的需要使用它。
According to Google: browsers will wait approximately 300ms from the time that you tap the button to fire the click event. The reason for this is that the browser is waiting to see if you are actually performing a double tap.
在安卓系统上的 Chrome 32+ 浏览器中,如果在viewport meta 标签中加入width=device-width
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
同样的道理也适用于Android上的Chrome(所有版本),在viewport meta 标签中有"user-scalable=no"。但是请注意,"user-scalable=no"也会禁用双指缩放,这可能导致可访问性不是很好(无所谓了)。
For IE11+, you can use touch-action: manipulation;
to disable double-tap-to-zoom on certain elements (like links and buttons). For IE10 use -ms-touch-action: manipulation
The library has been deployed as part of the FT Web App and is tried and tested on the following mobile browsers:
- Mobile Safari on iOS 3 and upwards
- Chrome on iOS 5 and upwards
- Chrome on Android (ICS)
- Opera Mobile 11.5 and upwards
- Android Browser since Android 2
- PlayBook OS 1 and upwards
import fastClick from '@nuofe/fastclick';
fastClick.attach(document.body, [options]);