Releases: nunit/vs-project-loader
Visual Studio Project Loader Extension 3.9.0
As part of this release we had 16 issues closed.
The major changes in this release are the addition of support for SDK-style projects written in VB and F# and automatic use of the SkipNonTestAssemblies option when loading a solution. In addition, the build and release process has been entirely restructured and a number of outstanding bugs have been fixed.
- #57 Add support for SDK-style VB and F# projects
- #62 Automatically skip non-test assemblies when a solution file is loaded
- #56 Project loader should return multiple platforms for each config
- #38 nunit3-console.exe unable to find dll when AppendTargetFrameworkToOutputPath is added to project
- #37 Missing 'TargetFramework' property should not cause an Exception
- #34 Unable to choose platform when passing solution file
- #26 Support multi-targeting files
- #23 Error when running with an x86 csproj
- #53 Run unit tests with NUnitLite
- #48 Reorganize / rename embedded resources for test cases
- #44 Standardize build scripts for extensions
- #43 Change default branch from master to main
- #40 Upgrade Cake to 1.2.0
- #39 Convert project to SDK format
- #36 Automate the GitHub release process
- #35 Add functional tests to build
There are two different packages available for the extension.
- For a chocolatey install:
- For a nuget install:
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
c423c24cc5dbf0f2a9ed915c90d05979f6d64691a20f05f76e35a01c848a69f6 NUnit.Extension.VSProjectLoader.3.9.0.nupkg
be31d6a59125c592d1f990444fc43dc3bf9816b8832a86c419c748b259475480 nunit-extension-vs-project-loader.3.9.0.nupkg
Visual Studio Project Loader Extension v3.8
Miscellaneous bug fixes - see CHANGES.txt for individual issues.
Note that there are two .nupkg
- NUnit.Extension.VSProjectLoader.nupkg is the package for nuget installation.
- nunit-extension-vs-project-loader.nupkg is the package for chocolatey installation.
Visual Studio Project Loader Extension v3.7
Added support for new .csproj file format, and resolved issue with missing optional project elements.
Note that there are two .nupkg
- NUnit.Extension.VSProjectLoader.nupkg is the package for nuget installation.
- nunit-extension-vs-project-loader.nupkg is the package for chocolatey installation.
Visual Studio Project Loader Extension v3.6
This release fixes some packaging errors and adds a new chocolatey package.
Note that there are two .nupkg
- NUnit.Extension.VSProjectLoader.nupkg is the package for nuget installation.
- nunit-extension-vs-project-loader.nupkg is the package for chocolatey installation.
Visual Studio Project Loader Extension v3.5
This is the first release of the extension since splitting the extensions out to their own repository.