Releases: nunit/nunit-v2-result-writer
Releases · nunit/nunit-v2-result-writer
NUnit Project Loader 3.8.0
As part of this release we had 3 issues closed.
- #35 Jenkins rejects testreport
- #36 Standardize scripts across console and extension repos
- #14 how to use this nuget package with dotnetcore
There are two different packages available for the extension.
- For a chocolatey install:
- For a nuget install:
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
df8baeb461fa13e8d15249279a4ef2203656649542bdde8affd265afba9402b4 NUnit.Extension.NUnitV2ResultWriter.3.8.0.nupkg
4653d3b1c48e7297cc5eac9ff4a4abbc8c90d4120fdef9b9e2517222506de4b0 nunit-extension-nunit-v2-result-writer.3.8.0.nupkg
NUnit V2 Result Writer 3.7.0
As part of this release we had 10 issues closed.
This release consists primarily of improvements to the build process but also
corrects several problems in the content of the V2 result file.
- #13 results xml-file in nunit2 format does not confirm to xsd
- #11 Wrong version information of NUnit 3 in NUnit 2 export format
- #9 NUnit3 result format output as nunit2 reports test dll as ignored if one or more child tests marked as ignored
- #30 Standardize build scripts for extensions
- #28 Publish production builds on NuGet and Chocolatey
- #27 Publish dev builds on MyGet
- #25 Upgrade to latest Cake Release
- #21 Add functional package tests to build
- #17 Change default branch from master to main
- #16 Automate the GitHub release process
There are two different packages available for the extension.
- For a chocolatey install:
- For a nuget install:
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
d56dcf73afb087fb692d546285c44acf46d35ccef087f0eb7c9b20820cdccb10 NUnit.Extension.NUnitV2ResultWriter.3.7.0.nupkg
f7f523d9299cf859f4a28b7dc0870b3fc7e5b2e9f20c93b5ab6f4ba14433fd93 nunit-extension-nunit-v2-result-writer.3.7.0.nupkg
NUnit 2 Result Writer Extension v3.6
This release fixes some packaging errors and adds a new chocolatey package.
Note that there are two .nupkg
- NUnit.Extension.NUnitV2ResultWriter is the package for nuget installation.
- nunit-extension-nunit-v2-result-writer is the package for chocolatey installation.
NUnit 2 Result Writer Extension v3.5
This is the first release of the extension since splitting the extensions out to their own repository.