#Call on detect Nubomedia demonstrator
To run properly this demo you need to have an installed and working instance of the following components:
- KMS (v6.5.0)
- The nubomedia face detector plugin installed on the KMS
- Asterisk or other PBX
Be sure to have installed Java8 Maven and Bower in your system:
git clone https://github.com/nubomediaTI/timdetector-demonstrator.git
cd timdetector-demonstrator
###COD configuration
Get the application.properties template and make a copy:
cp call_on_detect/src/main/resources/application.properties .
Open it with your favourite text editor. You will see the following properties:
server.port: 8443 #the port on which the server will listen
server.ssl.key-store: keystore.jks #keystore file
server.ssl.key-store-password: kurento
server.ssl.keyStoreType: JKS
server.ssl.keyAlias: kurento-selfsigned
serverEvents.timer.milliseconds=6000 #interval from a face recognition event and another from the server
#stun server address
#asterisk host address
sip.host=showdemos2.ddns.net #the host address of the PBX to which the client will connect
#interface from which take ip address (if more than one interface connected)
replace the old application.properties or place this file on the same folder you will launch the application.
###running the application
mvn clean package -DskipTests
cd call_on_detect
java -jar target/call_on_detect-6.1.0.jar
Pay Attention: if you change the location of the jar file be sure that the file keystore.jks is in the same folder you launch the application.