Start with a clear and concise description: A brief overview of what your package is and does, also what problem it solves.
Explain how to use your package, provide clear and concise getting started instructions, including any necessary steps.
What are specific minimum requirements to use your packages? Consider excluding this section if your package works without any additional setup beyond simple package installation.
Examples about how to use your package by providing code snippets/example images, or samples links on GitHub if applicable.
- Provide sample code using code snippets
- Include screenshots, diagrams, or other visual help users better understand how to use your package
Provide links to more resources: List links such as detailed documentation, tutorial videos, blog posts, or any other relevant documentation to help users get the most out of your package.
Where and how users can leave feedback?
- Links to a GitHub repository where could open issues, Twitter, a Discord channel, bug tracker, or other platforms where a package consumer can connect with the package author.