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This bundle lets you change the login to another user without needing the users' password. This is useful when you have a list of users and someone complains that they in particular are having a specific issue. Using this bundle you could change your login to that of the user without asking for the password.


  1. Install the bundle using composer:

    $ composer require ntidev/impersonation-bundle "dev-master"
  2. Add the bundle configuration to the AppKernel

    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            new NTI\ImpersonationBundle\NTIImpersonationBundle(),
  3. Setup the configuration in the config.yml

    # NTI
        redirect_route: 'deshblard'
        user_class: 'AppBundle\Entity\User\User'
        user_class_property: 'username'
        firewall: 'main'
  4. Update the database schema

    $ php app/console doctrine:schema:update


  1. The entity that the bundle uses is currently hard coded to AppBundle\Entity\User\User and it uses the "username" property to find a valid user to impersonate.


  1. Generate an impersonation key

    $ php app/console nti:impersonation:generate-key [username]
  2. Copy the provided key and go to the url: /nti/impersonate/{key}

  3. You will be redirected to the configured route logged in as the user for which the key was generated.