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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 4, 2021. It is now read-only.


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⚠️ This app is no longer maintained. For official NSW COVID-19 case locations map, please visit the NSW Government website. ⚠️

NSW COVID-19 Tracker

GitHub license Build and Deploy Effective Dart

The intent for this app is before you visit a venue you can check if there have been any confirmed cases or retrospectively check if you have been to any location with confirmed cases.

Download APK: Link


Getting Started

Setup Flutter

To install and setup Flutter, follow the instructions here.

Setup Firebase

Create a new project on Firebase.

  • For iOS, create an iOS app and download the config file GoogleService-info.plist, and place it under ios/Runner/. Open Xcode and select ios/Runner/Runner.xcworkspace to open it as the project. Drag the config file into Xcode under Runner and make sure to add it to all targets.
  • For Android, create and Android app and download the config file google-services.json, and place it under android/app/.


Enable Anonymous sign in in the Authentication tab.

Realtime Database

Enable Realtime Database by going into the corresponding tab.

Setup Google Maps

Follow the instructions here to setup Google Maps.

Setup Database

Follow the instructions here to fetch and store the data.

Setup and Running the App

Navigate back to the root of the project and run the command below to install the Flutter packages:

flutter pub get

Run the code generator:

flutter pub run build_runner build

Run the app:

flutter run