Backend app for CoronaGo app. API documentation here
This app currently works with:
- Ruby 2.5.1
- Rails 5.2.x
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
git clone
cd Coronago-backend
ruby -v
The output should start with something like ruby 2.5.1
If not, install the right ruby version using rbenv (it could take a while):
rbenv install 2.5.1
Using Bundler:
bundle install
Using Figaro:
Rename application.yml.local to application.yml in /config directory for local environment.
rails db:setup db:seed
This will setup data for your local development and testing, look the data here to start using it.
rails development_tasks:seed_dev_data
rails s
This needs to be run only once when new machines are added, app can be deployed using capistrano for subsequent deployments.
For test environment
ansible-playbook ansible/site.yml -i ansible/inventory/qa01 --ask-vault-pass --extra-vars environment_name=qa01
For production environment (Don't deploy without admin's approval)
ansible-playbook ansible/site.yml -i ansible/inventory/prod --ask-vault-pass --extra-vars environment_name=prod
For test environment
cap qa01 deploy
For production environment (Don't deploy without admin's approval)
cap production deploy
- Look for un-assigned issues here
- Ask questions and clarifications by commenting on the issue
- Implement the feature/fix and open a pull request