Convert a simple indented (markdown inspired) outline format to dot language.
Example input file:
# This is a comment; blank lines get eaten.
# Default indent marker is 4 spaces. This can be changed.
topic one
subtopic one
topic two
subtopic one
subtopic two
From the command line, running
./ input-file.txt
produces the output:
digraph G {
"main" -> "topic one";
"topic one" -> "subtopic one";
"main" -> "topic two";
"topic two" -> "subtopic one";
"topic two" -> "subtopic two";
The default output is to standard out, but one can specify an output file with
./ -o input-filt.txt
So then
dot -Tpng -o output-graph.png
produces the following graph:
Another useful option is to maintain a strict tree structure in the output. This is specified as follows:
./ --tree=True input-file.txt
Using the same input as above, this produces a slightly different graph: