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Web Plugin

Sebastian Stehle edited this page Apr 26, 2024 · 5 revisions

The web plugin is a small script that can be embedded to your website and serves the following purposes:

  1. Handle web push messages with a service worker.
  2. Provide a UI to show notifications and make basic settings.
  3. Provide a UI to subscribe to individual topics.

How to integrate it

Step 1: Reference the Script

To integrate the SDK you need to reference the javascript file.

Add the following snippet to your html file:

<script src=""></script>
    var notifo = window['notifo'] || (window['notifo'] = [])
    // YOUR CODE here.

Step 2: Call Init

The next step is to initialize the SDK. Usually the following code is enough:

    var notifo = notifo || [];
    // YOUR CODE here.
    notifo.push(['init', {
        userToken: 'YOUR_USER_API_KEY'

Each user has its own API Key to ensure that a user can only access its own messages. You can find the API Key in the user details page.

User Token

You can also configure a wide range of other settings, that are usually not needed:

Alternatively you can also define the apiKey property. Then an new user will be created automatically. Use the WebManager API Key for that:


Step 3: Subscribe to web push

Just use the following snippet:


Step 4: Show the widget button

The default widget shows notification and provides a tab for basic settings.

You can show the widget with the following code:

<div id="notifo-button"></div>
    notifo.push(['show-notifications', 'notifo-button', { style: 'notifo' }]);


With the settings you can define the style of the icon and the placement of the modal:

  • style: The style of the button. Allowed values: 'message', 'chat', 'chat_filled', 'notifo'
  • position: The positioning of the modal. Allowed values: 'bottom-left', 'bottom-right'

Step 5: Show the topic button

This widget can be used to let the user subscribe to a topic:

You can show the widget with the following code:

<div id="topic-button"></div>
    notifo.push(['show-topic', 'topic-button', 'news/general', { style: 'heart' }]);

The second parameter is the path of the topic, here news/general


With the settings you can define the style of the icon and the placement of the modal:

  • style: The style of the button. Allowed values: 'star', 'heart', 'bell', 'alarm'
  • position: The positioning of the modal. Allowed values: 'bottom-left', 'bottom-right'


Everything together

<script src=""></script>
    var notifo = window['notifo'] || (window['notifo'] = [])
    notifo.push(['init', {
        userToken: 'YOUR_USER_API_KEY'

<div id="notifo-button"></div>
    notifo.push(['show-notifications', 'notifo-button', { style: 'notifo' }]);

<div id="topic-button"></div>
    notifo.push(['show-topic', 'topic-button', 'news/general', { style: 'heart' }]);