Do not install this or try to get it running, it is 4+ years old. It has been ported to Vue/Koa here:
It's not completely ported, and not all features below will be moved same-same. The grid calendar and more subtle bitcoin price/network health sparklines will be added soon.
The current list of features enabled is below, but is not an exhaustive list. Over the course of development this has been pared down to essentials and to show a more minimal interface so as to be more attractive on the wall of a living room or common hallway area of a home. Previous ugliness revolved around a BTC price graph, SF Giants standings (2014 when they won the WS, naturally). So I think the last time this was run was around early 2015 or so.
- Weather Forecast and today's temp in F° and C°.
- Bus Lines arrival info for next 2 buses per line
- Bitcoin Price and Volume information
- Time and Date for US Pacific and Korean Standaard Time Zones
Do not use this application. See intrinsicbits/pdq-vue and intrinsicbits/pdq-api for the new version of this project.
The previous edition of this dashboard had a couple extras, but as you can see below, the visual design was not really a factor. It was more about data density, how much information can you pack into a single 1920x1080 screen but not overwhelm your ability to glance and quickly find something out. Things that will be moved to the new app will be:
- Bitcoin price tracker
- Grid calendar - the unlabeled grid rectangle with the dayglo green mark is a grid of 365/6 squares that represent all the days in the year. Meant to convey your position in the year and to--over time--realize that time is precious. Similar to a life expectancy clock, but with a smaller window into time passing.
Raspberry Pi with an 8" screen, for near the front door/foyer area.