Identity: Unique name of person or device
Authentication: Process of verifying identity
Authorization: Function over identity assigning access rights. Grant access based on a set of rules, where the rule depend on identity.
For more information: here
docker-compose up --build
- Create the realm to manage IAM for your application [Don't use master realm]
- Create the client
- Fill the valid redirect uris, valid post logout redirect uris, and web origins
- Create a user and set the password
- Fill the .env file of frontend
- After following from step 1-4.
- Run the project
- You are able to login the user and see the protected route
- Get the client public key:
- Add the public key in .env file of backend
- Run the project
- Now you are able to see the socials of the user if email matches in the data:
let data = {
"[email protected]": {
github: "",
linkedin: "",
twitter: "",
facebook: "",
"[email protected]": {
github: "",
linkedin: "",
twitter: "",
facebook: "",
Thank you!