A quick-and-dirty Discord bot which notifies about deadlines in WebDiplomacy games.
Installing is simple, just clone this repository and install using pip
Python 3.x one):
pip install .
Svetlana understands the following commands:
Command | Description |
Svetlana hi/help | Shows this list of commands. |
Svetlana follow [GAMEID] | Start following a certain WebDiplomacy game. |
Svetlana unfollow [GAMEID] | Stop following a certain WebDiplomacy game. |
Svetlana alert list | Shows list of alarms. |
Svetlana alert [HOURS] | Adds an alert for X hours before a deadline. |
Svetlana silence [HOURS] | Removes an alert for X hours before a deadline. |
Svetlana list | Show list of followed games. |
As always, work in a virtual environment and you'll be fine:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt