In this repository we have gathered the required software and concepts for running a design ninja system.
You need the following software, services, and resources:
FontAwesome (Installation guide on FontAwesome for Desktop)
A design ninja system enables a design team to collaborate and perform unified design work. It unifies a set of tools and concepts to structure the underlying design process.
What tools and concepts?
- One design tool
- One Version control
- One prototype platform
Choose one design tool in your team. It must be fit for fight for the task at hand. If your team of designers are supposed to be able to collaborate, this is necessary. It enables you to speak the same 'language' for UI. We choose Sketch.
Sketch has a huge community which delivers high quality plugins for Sketch. To synchronise our team with the latest plugins for efficiency, we're using the SketchPacks plugin.
This allows us to distribute a single file to keep the design team in sync in regards to plugins.
Unfortunately, not all plugins are represented in the SketchPacks library. One of those is the Craft plugin from inVision. This particular one is really useful, so we give it some special love by installing it manually.
Doing version control with a designer team can be quite a laborious task without a well-designed tool.
We're currently using Abstract.
Abstract is tailored for designers to collaborate on .sketch
files. As the main focus for the Abstract team is getting Sketch version control done right – it does the job quite well.
Say goodbye to overwriting your co-designers changes. And hello to being
For the design team to thrive in a collaborative environment, we need to make sure that we have one place to gather all our prototypes and do user testing.
We have chosen to use inVision, which integrates well with Sketch. It enables us to build well with both on-site and remote user testing.
Abstract is designed for designers to collaborate on .sketch files. As its main focus is on getting Sketch right – it does the job quite well.
The Starter Pack contains:
/ Design System Baseline, this example is developed specifically for YggdrasilKonferansenyggdate.sketch
/ Example Design for an Yggdrasil Dating App, this example is developed specifically for YggdrasilKonferansenplugins.sketchpack
/ Sketch Plugins
With 💌 from the No Isolation Design Team