- Know the ID of a filter for JIRA issues in XML format (Atlassian)
- Slack application bot with a token
- Slack channel
Spring boot application that runs as a daemon in order to warn on Slack about the new issues created in JIRA. Here are some of the configurations allowed:
- Frecuency and interval during the journey to check on JIRA is configurable via a cron expression
- Proxy connection
- Issues organize by JIRA priority
- Use different Slack channels based on JIRA priority
- Slack message colour can be modified
- New Slack subfields can be added
- Check multiple JIRA filters
The following provides a description of each property in the configuration file.
Jasypt configuration: Jasypt has been added to avoid the exposition of passwords in the configuration file.
: represents your secret key used in the encryptation. If you need to protect some properties, you could add the encrypted value of the property between 'ENC(encrypted_value)'.
Here, you will find a nice example. -
Global configuration:
: cron expression to schedule the task. Some help for building your own cron expression Online Formatterproxy
: name of the proxy, in case of need. Example: my.proxy.corp
: port used by the proxy. Example: 8080
: location of the JRE installed in the local machine, in case of need. -
JIRA configuration:
: username to login in JIRA. Example of property encrypted: ENC(42gdc36jk8903)
: password to login in JIRA. Example of property encrypted: ENC(s,qpiejidiw3)
: JIRA website. Example: https://jira.atlassian.com
: JIRA XML tag name for the element that represents the JIRA issues. Example: item
: JIRA XML tag name for the element that represents the ID of the JIRA issue. Example: key
: JIRA XML tag name for the element that represents the priority of the JIRA issues. Example: priority
: list of priority's name in your organisation. Example: High, Medium, Low -
Slack configuration:
: flag to activate/deactivate the warnings on Slack
: colors of Slack messages depending on issues priority.
: map between the slack message title and the name of the field in JIRA that will be showed.
: map between the slack message link and the link of the JIRA issue.
: map between the differents subfields that could be showed on Slack message and the field of the JIRA issue. New subfields can be added. -
Filters configuration for each filter:
: ID of the filter from JIRA. It is showed on JIRA url. Example: 16729
: token of the Slack application that represents the bot. Official documentation to create an Slack application.local-file-stored-issues
: local file that contains the issues already treated. Example: C:\issues.txtslack-active
: flag to activate/deactivate the warnings on Slack for one filterslack-channels
: list of Slack channels where to send the warnings depending on issues priority.