React-mapbox-gl Doc
React wrapper for mapbox-gl-js. Expose a bunch of component meant to be simple to use for React. It is important to understand the difference between the components Map
, Layer
, GeoJsonLayer
, Source
, Feature
(proxy between React and Mapbox API) and the components Marker
, Popup
, Cluster
, ZoomControl
, ScaleControl
, RotationControl
which are real React components.
Include the following elements:
- ReactMapboxGl
- Layer
- Source
- Feature
- Layer type properties
display a mapbox symbol. - Layer type properties
display a lineString. - Layer type properties
display a polygon. - Layer type properties
display a mapbox circle.
- Layer type properties
- GeoJSONLayer
- ZoomControl
- ScaleControl
- RotationControl
- Marker (Projected component)
- Popup (Projected component)
- Cluster
This repository include the Typescript type definition files
npm install react-mapbox-gl mapbox-gl --save
// ES6
import ReactMapboxGl, { Layer, Feature } from "react-mapbox-gl";
// ES5
var ReactMapboxGl = require("react-mapbox-gl");
var Layer = ReactMapboxGl.Layer;
var Feature = ReactMapboxGl.Feature;
const Map = ReactMapboxGl({
accessToken: "pk.eyJ1IjoiZmFicmljOCIsImEiOiJjaWc5aTV1ZzUwMDJwdzJrb2w0dXRmc2d0In0.p6GGlfyV-WksaDV_KdN27A"
height: "100vh",
width: "100vw"
layout={{ "icon-image": "marker-15" }}>
<Feature coordinates={[-0.481747846041145, 51.3233379650232]}/>
The zoom property is an array on purpose. With a float as a value we can't tell whether the zoom has changed when checking for value equality 7 === 7 // true
We changed it to an array so that between 2 render it check for a reference equality [7] === [7] // false
this way we can reliably update the zoom value without having to keep the viewport in the state of the Map component.
- Ideally before posting an issue you can try to reproduce the bug you encounter using this boilerplate