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View PowerBi Embedded reports in React-Native application via webview

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React-Native PowerBi embedded via webview demo

This is a demo and PoC for embedding PowerBi report into React-Native application via webview.

Adapted from react-native-powerbi package



  • PowerBi Pro account, Azure subscription, Azure Active Directory tenant (links)
  • create a new workspace, create a report (can use sample data provided by PowerBi)
  • create a Phone layout via PowerBi
  • get your reportId
  • get your embedUrl (PowerBi->open report->File->Embed)
  • generate an accessToken (see below)

The step by step test reproduce

  • create a new AAD
  • switch to newly created AAD:
    • add a user admin@ (keep your initial password, later you will be asked to change it)
      • open admin@ details
      • goto Directory role -> set as Global administrator
    • goto App Registrations
      • click + New registration
      • goto App's Api permissions-> add Power Bi Service -> Delegated permissions -> Set permissions: - Capacity read & read/write all - Content create - Dashboard read & read/write all - Dataset read & read/write all - Group read & read/write all - Report read & read/write all - Workspace read & read/write all
      • at App's overview copy AppId
      • go to App's Authentication. Default client Type -> Treat app as a public client -> set to "Yes"
  • goto login with admin@.... user (with inital password, you will be asked to make a new password)
    • click add new workspace, choose Try Pro for free
    • create a new workspace
    • at the welcome page to the workspace click "Samples" link, select any dataset
    • at workspace left menu switch to the available report
    • copy workspaceId, reportId
    • at report area click File->Embed and cope the embedUrl
    • at report area click Edit report -> Mobile layout, make the mobile layout, switch back to Web layout, Save report
  • put all prepared IDs into config.json and powerbi_config.json
  • run token generator
  • set the token into config.json
  • run the App (run-android|run-ios)

Run in dev environment

npm install

update ./powerbi_config.json with proper values for

"accessToken": "",
"embedUrl": "",
"reportId": ""

run it (have your android emulator running)

../node_modules/.bin/react-native run-android

for iOS have your iOS emulator running and run

../node_modules/.bin/react-native run-ios

Token generation

The code at tokenGen folder is taken from this repo with slight changes in order to use in this demo

set proper variables into ./tokenGen/config.json file:

"appId" : "",
"workspaceId" : "",
"reportId" : "",
"username" : "",
"password" : ""
  • appId (link)
  • workspaceId (link)
  • reportId (link)
  • username and password to your Power BI master account
cd ./tokenGen
npm intall
node run.js




You can also pass the language the report must use


Embed configuration

You can pass your own configuration object from the PowerBI JS library

const embedConfig = {
      type: 'report',
      tokenType: 1,
      accessToken: "H4sIAAAAAAAEACVW...NH8v_8HNiWyTi4LAAA=",
      embedUrl: "",
      id: "bac25fa7-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-606d165c3b43",
      settings: {
        filterPaneEnabled: false,
        navContentPaneEnabled: true,



  • Azure PowerBi embedded official docs
  • For more details as to PowerBi JS SDK see here
  • JavaScript Embed Sample (Playground) here


View PowerBi Embedded reports in React-Native application via webview






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