Welcome to program with M5Stack Core
1.For MacOS
2. For Windows
We have several kinds of M5Cores, There is their difference in schematic.
LCD & TF Card
LCD Resolution: 320x240
ESP32 Chip | GPIO23 | GPIO19 | GPIO18 | GPIO14 | GPIO27 | GPIO33 | GPIO32 | GPIO4 |
ILI9341 | / | MISO | CLK | CS | DC | RST | BL | |
TF Card | MOSI | MISO | CLK | CS |
Button & Speaker
ESP32 Chip | GPIO39 | GPIO38 | GPIO37 | GPIO25 |
Button Pin | BUTTON A | BUTTON B | BUTTON C | |
Speaker | Speaker Pin |
ESP32 Chip | GPIO22 | GPIO21 |
M5Stack-SD-Updater - Customizable menu system for M5Stack - loads apps from the Micro SD card
TFT_eSPI - TFT library for the ESP8266 and ESP32 that supports different driver chips
M5Widgets - Widgets for the M5Stack
M5StackSAM - Simple Applications Menu Arduino Library for M5Stack
cfGUI - A simple GUI library for M5Stack (ESP32)
GUIslice - A lightweight GUI framework suitable for embedded displays
M5ez - The easy way to program on the M5Stack
M5Stack MultiApp Advanced - A M5Stack firmware made on PlatformIO
M5Stack ESP32 Oscilloscope - A fully functional oscilloscope based on ESP32 M5Stack
M5Stack-Avatar - An M5Stack library for rendering avatar faces
M5Stack_CrackScreen - Crack your M5Stack!!
M5_Shuttle_Run - M5_Shuttle_Run
nixietubeM5 - (Fake) Nixie Tube Display on a M5Stack
M5Stack_BTCTicker - A small Bitcoin price ticker using an M5Stack (ESP32) and the Coindesk API
M5Stack_ETHPrice - Dependence on example Wifi Setting to get ETH Price from Maicoin
M5Stack-PacketMonitor - M5Stack ESP32 Packet Monitor
M5-FFT - Graphic Equalizer on the M5Stack platform
M5Stack_ESP32_radio - Playing mp3 stream out of internet using M5Stack prototype
mp3-player-m5stack - MP3 player for M5Stack
ArduinoWiFiPhotoBackup - M5STACK Arduino WiFi Photo Backup device
M5StackHIDCtrlAltDel - You can send ctrl+alt+del to your PC from M5Stack
M5Stack Markdown Web Server - Markdown & icons loaded from an Micro SD card/TF card to run a web page
M5Stack-Tetris - Tetris for M5Stack Ported to M5Stack by macsbug - https://macsbug.wordpress.com/
M5Stack_FlappyBird_game - M5Stack FlappyBird Playable
M5Stack-SpaceShooter - Space Invaders knock-off for M5Stack
M5Stack-Pacman-JoyPSP - Pacman on M5Stack/PSP Joypad, with sounds
M5Stack-Thermal-Camera - M5Stack Thermal Camera with AMG8833 thermal sensor
M5Stack-3DPrintFiles - Links to files for 3D printing custom case parts for the M5Stack
truetype2gfx - Converting fonts from TrueType to Adafruit GFX
m5stack-onscreen-keyboard - Full size qwerty keyboard for M5Stack
How to install USB driver for establishing serial port
How to upgrade M5Stack Libary